May 2013

Monthly Archive

The Morning Brew #1364

Posted by on 28 May 2013 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew


  • Talk to, hear, touch and see your code – Mads Kristensen introduces two recent Visual Studio Extensions he has worked on – Voice Commands and Farticus. Voice Commands adds some voice control for Visual Studio Commands via Windows Speech Recognition, and Farticus is an amusing extension which will notify you of build failures.
  • Zudio – Founders Subscriptions – Friend of the Brew Mark Rendle has been working away on a startup, Zudio, providing tooling for working with Windows Azure Cloud Storage, and is about to go live, and is looking to generate some initial capital with an offer of Founder subscriptions – a limited lifetime subscription for the price of a 2 year subscription. Get in quick, these are bound to go fast.


  • Faster and Offline Browsing using Application Cache in HTML5 – Kunal Chowdhury takes a look at the use of the Application Cache in HTML 5 based applications to provide performance boosts and take your application offline
  • Flight Mode – IndexedDB – Aaron Powell is also continuing with his series looking at the various techniques for offline Web based applications with a look at the now discontinued IndexDB specification.
  • TDD I Learned – Brendan Tompkins highlights the freely available online recording of Roy Osherove’s TDD course kicking off a series sharing his notes from the various recorded lessons.
  • Know Thy .NET Dictionaries – Rob Philpott takes a look a the various dictionary like implementations provided in the ,NET Framework discussing the use and performance of the different types.
  • What is Katana and OWIN for ASP.NET? – Kalyan Bandarupalli shares some notes on the Katana project and OWIN for providing a hosting basis for ASP.NET applications to run on top of
  • Cargo-Culting in JavaScript – James Padolsey enlightens on the term ‘Cargo Cult’ and looks at some of the common ‘Cargo Cult’ programming in JavaScript
  • Why Can’t I Update an Event? – Greg Young discusses the notion of updating an event in an event sourcing context, looking at how generally you shouldn’t ever need to, and discussing how to go about handling the fringe case of actually needing to
  • Why so fabulous? – Eric Lippert provides an amusing anecdote on why his blog is named ‘Fabulous Adventures In Coding’

The Morning Brew #1363

Posted by on 24 May 2013 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew

Update: I clearly don’t know what month it is, the Brew will be back this coming Tuesday, and not in 11 months as previously typed!

Monday is a Public Holiday here in the UK, so in keeping with tradition there will be no Morning Brew on Monday, and I shall return on Tuesday 28th AprilMay. Enjoy the Weekend.


  • Portable HttpClient is now available as RC – Immo Landwerth announces the Release Candidate release of the Portable HttpClient implementation for the .NET Stack. This release, available via NuGet includes all the fixes since the preview release as well as adding a couple of new features. This post also outlines future features planned, and the roadmap for delivery.
  • Announcing the release of AMQP support with Windows Azure Service Bus – Scott Guthrie announces the release of Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) support on the Windows Azure Service Bus as a General Availability Feature. The implementation conforms to AMQP 1.0 and provides interoperable messaging between the service bus and a variety of clients.


  • The mystery of the inserted method – Eric Lippert looks at an interesting case of unexpected behaviour of in C#, exploring how the compiler implements methods for you, when implementing interfaces, and the role of the virtual keyword.
  • Roslyn development environment setup and ramp-up plan – Nitish Jain shares a collection of links to Roslyn related resources, a useful one stop shop to get all the latest Roslyn bits to give a good development experience when working with Roslyn.
  • JavaScript is Web Assembly Language and that’s OK – Scott Hanselman continues his discussion of the use of JavaScript as the Assembly Language of the web looking at some of the impressive things people are achieving in the browser by compiling down to JavaScript.
  • Retrieving the client’s IP address in ASP.NET Web API – Filip W. takes a look at how you can get hold of the clients IP address in different ASP.NET Web API hosting scenarios, and looks at a combined approach to use in general projects.
  • Flight Mode – local and session storage – LINQ to Fail – Aaron Powell continues his series looking at offline storage possibilities for web applications, exploring local storage and session storage for keeping application state.
  • Edward Farley and the Fantastic Library Part 1 – Charles L Flatt takes us on a journey though the various types of Entity Framework 5 Code First. Charles uses a story telling format and draws examples from a library in this 12 part series (all online now).


The Morning Brew #1362

Posted by on 23 May 2013 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew


  • Glimpse 1.3.2 released – The Glimpse Team announce the release of Glimpse 1.3.2, a minor update which makes some improvements to the client side of Glimpse including better rendering of recursive data structures
  • Rhino Mocks New Home – Mike Meisinger takes on the project lead role for Rhino Mocks, and outlines a little of what is planned for the (now bright) future of Rhino Mocks.
  • Solution Load Manager for Visual Studio 2010/2012 – Pavlo Iarovyi shares a Visual Studio Extension for Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 which adds some User Interface for controlling the Project Load Priority, allowing you to control which projects ina solution load and when.


  • A first look at SignalR – Rick Strahl gives a nice introduction to the wonderful world of SignalR, discussing what the library aims to achieve, some applicable use cases for it use, and a look at some of the features of the library.
  • Technology Radar May 2013 – The May 2013 edition of the ThoughtWorks Technology Radar is now available online. This regular report looks at the ever changing landscape of software development technologies and practices, and their relative maturity and readiness for adoption
  • IP Throttling in ASP.NET Web API – Pablo M. Cibraro shares an implementation of a MessageHandler for ASP.NET WebAPI which provides IP based throttling capailities, useful in situations where you need to provide a publicly consumable API but want to control how much traffic you receive from individual clients.
  • Validating composite models with knockout validation – Jef Claes explores the validation capabilities of KnockOut Validation, and looks at how to go about extending it to support validation of composite models, illustrating with examples along the way
  • AngularJS and TypeScript – Dave Iffland takes a look at getting up and running with AngularJS with JavaScript code written using TypeScript, sharing some lessons learnt about combining these two technologies and working around encountered issues.
  • Dynamically Loading Controllers and Views with AngularJS and RequireJS – Dan Wahlin is also exploring AngularJS, and in this post highlights his introductory video on AnugularJS, before exploring the use of RequireJS with Angular to provide dynamic loading of the controllers and views required.
  • Compiling to JavaScript, and Debugging with Source Maps – Nick Fitzgerald and Robert Nyman share an interesting article which explores the creation of a language compiler which compiles down to JavaScript, looking at the compiler concepts required, and exploring adding debugging support by way of SourceMaps.
  • Modern.IE and BrowserStack: The tools we should have had 10 years ago. – Chris Maunder takes a look at the browser compatibility checking and testing features provided by the Modern.IE website and BrowserStack tooling
  • Flight Mode – Introduction & Cookies – Aaron Powell kicks off a series looking at the various options for supporting offline web application use, with an initial look at the oldest options, cookies.
  • Dealing with Windows Azure Storage transient faults – Grigori Melnik takes a look at dealing with the Transient Faults which can occur when connecting to Windows Azure Services, and how the client libraries provide support for retries.

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