Posted by Chris Alcock on 30 Sep 2008 | Tagged as: Uncategorized
Another day, another significant Microsoft Announcement, so today we have a special section dedicated to the Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0 announcements.
Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0
- My MVC Starter Template – Rob Conery shares his own version of the default ASP.NET MVC site template, with slightly different organisation and some useful features out of the box it looks like it might be a good starting point for new sites.
- Common issues found in code review – Ayende shares some interesting pieces of code, showing how each can be improved by using language features better or making the code clearer.
- Object Oriented F# – Creating Classes – Matthew Podwysocki goes back to F# Basics, starting new series on the object oriented features of F#, looking at creating classes in this part.
- IComparer vs IEqualityComparer – Keyvan Nayyeri thinks about searching and sorting collections, and looks at the two interfaces involved, IComparer and IEqualityComparer
- Introducing Lucene.Net – Andrew Smith gives a brief introduction to using Lucene.NET for full text indexing
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Posted by Chris Alcock on 29 Sep 2008 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
The big news this weekend is the announcement that Microsoft will be shipping an unaltered version of jQuery with ASP.NET MVC and future releases of their developer tools. In honour of this, today sees a temporary new section for jQuery, and therefore a longer than usual edition of the Brew.
- Properties – A False Sense of Encapsulation – Jan Van Ryswyck talks about how having too many properties is a bad thing, breaking encapsulation and leading towards having an Anemic Domain Model, illustrating along the way with some code examples.
- Preventing third-party derivation, part one – Eric Lippert talks about a fascinating feature of the CLR, the ability to create public classes which can’t be inherited from outside their own assembly. I have to admit it took two looks at the class to realise what was going on (I’m only half way through my coffee so might not be fully awake yet), but its a neat (and potentially very frustrating) trick.
- ASP.NET MVC Request Flow – Justin Etheredge takes a visual look at the flow through classes that make up the way that ASP.NET MVC processes the request.
- Parallel Stacks for multi-threaded debugging – Daniel Moth proposes a solution to making it easier to view stack traces in multi threaded code.
- WPF Application Quality Guide v.0.3 Released! – Ivo Manolov announces the third preliminary release if the WPF Application Quality Guide, which now includes information on globalization and localization testing.
- Calling JavaScript functions in the Web Browser Control – Rick Strahl looks at calling javascript functions from an application hosting the page in a Web Browser Control
- Hibernating Rhinos #9 – Application Architecture – Ayende posts up two new episodes of his Hibernating Rhinos screen casts. The first (#9) is about application architecture, and the second (#10) is all about writing ‘Production Quality Software’. Both are very interesting, although I did find that the audio was rather quiet.
- Simplicity is key to successful unit testing – Karl Seguin talks about how the usual code quality rules apply to unit tests as well, resulting in better quality tests, and more reliability and resilience to changes in the system.
- Unit Testing decoupled from Design == Adoption – Roy Osherove continues the debate on Unit Testing practices and adoption, outlining some more of the reasoning behind his previous post.
- Writing non-thread-safe code – Tim Stall talks about non-thread safe code, delving down into the lower levels to explain how problems arise.
- Can you refactor to MVC? – Kyle Baley considers if it is possible to refactor an existing site to run on ASP.NET MVC. I suspect it would be possible, however if its worth the considerable effort is the question I’d ask.
- How do we write test automation for ASP.NET? – Federico Silva Armas of the Asp.Net QA Team talks about how the ASP.NET QA team use NexusLight to create automated tests of the ASP.NET Platform.
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Posted by Chris Alcock on 26 Sep 2008 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
Looks like there are a number of related releases today…
- What is the Managed Extensibility Framework? – Glenn Block highlights some great posts on the Microsoft Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)
- Strategy Pattern With Ninject – Steve Smith continues looking at avoiding dependencies by using design patterns with this look at the strategy pattern using Ninject.
- KB957541 is my favorite hotfix – Ayende reveals that the problem introduced in .NET 3.5 SP1 which <a href="">"prevents Rhino Mocks working with languages like F#, C++ and Spec#</a> now has a hot fix and this fix will be shipped out with Windows Update at some point in the future.
- The Weekly Source Code 34 – The Rise of F# – F# has really started gaining momentum, and this week Scott Hanselman looks at the language from Microsoft Research as a part of his series ‘The Weekly Source Code’. As usual, Scott gathers together some great information and takes a look at some code.
- jBlogMvc : part 1 Building the Administration Area – Amr Elsehemy continues his series on building a blogging engine in ASP.NET MVC. This part focuses on the administration behind the scenes, and is accompanied by another code drop.
- Shared Hosting & The Bleeding Edge – Christopher Bennage reminds us all that our hosting environment can have a significant impact on development, and talks a little about Partial Trust environments and getting a site to work on that setup.
- ASP.NET Tip: How to avoid creating a GC Hole – Tom, of the ASP.NET Debugging team talks about Garbage Collection Holes, giving details of what they are and how they can be caused, along with why they are bad the your ASP.NET site.
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