Posted by Chris Alcock on 29 Apr 2016 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
Apologies if some of you missed yesterday’s edition – I managed to miss adding the ‘Morning Brew’ tag to the post – its fixed now, and thanks to Bill for letting me know.
- Notes from the ASP.NET Community Standup – April 26, 2016 – Jeffrey T. Fritz shares the notes from this week’s ASP.NET Community Standup, this week outlining the changes in the build up to RC2
- Deploying ASP.NET Core RC1 to Azure App Services – Shawn Wildermuth takes a look at publishing ASP.NET Core RC1 based web applications on to the Azure App Service using the publish options in Visual Studio, and also using the Source Code publishing options on Azure.
- Node 6 Features You Need Know To About – Eddie Zaneski takes a look at some of the new and exciting features which are included/introduced in the latest release of Node.js, including Destructuring, Rest parameters, and Function defaults
- Thank You For Your Pull Request – You’ve Been Haacked – Phil Haack discusses the importance of giving good feedback and praise to contributors providing pull requests to community projects.
- Update on TFS 2015 Update 2.1 – Brian Harry follow up on his previous post about the TFS 2015 2.1 Update, including the plans for getting the 2.1 update out and addressing the additional bug reports he’s received since the first blogpost.
- Free eBook C# 6.0: What’s New Quick Start Complete – Jason Roberts shares his latest free ebook, a quick start guide to what is new in C#6
- How CPU Sampling Works – Nikhil Joglekar discusses the basics of CPU Sampling, and how this is utilised in the Visual Studio Profiler to give performance information about your code.
- Code Profiling and Optimizations – Patryk Borowa discusses some of the things to think about when performing code profiling, and the benefits of performing such work.
- Making a Game with Rx.js and Web Speech at Active Dublin 2016 – Part I – Jaime González García shares some thoughts and code from a recent Hackathon he was involved in where he looked at creating a JavaScript based game using Rx.JS
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Posted by Chris Alcock on 28 Apr 2016 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- A look at ES6 Maps – Jaime González García shares a look at the Map data structure in ECMAScript 2015, sharing examples of its use in a number of scenarios
- News from Xamarin Evolve: What’s next for Visual Studio and Xamarin – Amanda Silver shares the latest news on the work integrating Xamarin into Visual Studio
- GitHub Authentication with ASP.NET Core – James Chambers shares a look at creating authentication in your application which uses GitHub accounts, sharing both a video and detailed blog post.
- The web is Doom – Ronan Cremin discusses the ever growing average size of web pages, looking at how we have reached the point where the average web page is now the size of the original Doom game.
- The Web Is Too Damn Fat and Doomed, How You Can Fix It – Chris Love follows up on Rowan’s article, discussing the makeup of the average web page, and suggesting that we need a web equivalent of a diet and fitness program to put our web pages on.
- NATS, What a beautiful protocol – Daniel Wertheim takes a look at the NATS Protocol, which is used in NATS, an ‘open source modern secure messaging system for distributed systems and scalable cloud applications’
- Spring cleaning: Package management updates – Matt Cooper gives an update on the next steps for the Package Management extension which went into preview back in November
- Node.js 6.0 Supports 93% of ES2015 – Abel Avram highlights the release of Node.js 6.0, some of its new features, and the amount of the ES2015 language specification that it supports.
- 30 Days of Zumo.v2 (Azure Mobile Apps): Day 13 – The HTTP Table Interface – Adrian Hall continues his series looking at Azure Mobile Applications with a look at the HTTP interface that is provied by the SDK to access tables of data
- Route-friendly localization of ASP.NET MVC 5 – DmitriyArh88 takes a look at forming user friendly URLs when offering content in multiple languages
Posted by Chris Alcock on 27 Apr 2016 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
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