Posted by Chris Alcock on 30 Apr 2015 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
I both love and hate the Build conference – on one hand lots of exciting new announcments, on the other it takes me an age to put together monster editons of The Morning Brew like today’s….
Build Conference – General
Visual Studio Code
Software – Including Visual Studio
Posted by Chris Alcock on 29 Apr 2015 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Windows Management Framework 5.0 Preview April 2015 is now available – Krishna C Vutukuri announces the release of the preview release of the Windows Management Framework 5.0, an update from the previous preview released in February
- What’s New in Fiddler 4.5.1 – Eric Lawrence announces the release of Fiddler 4.5.1, a bugfix and minor feature release, including improved retargeting, custom submenues, improved SNI support and support for Project Spartan. Eric also gives a useful overview of the difference between Fiddler 4.5 and Fiddler 2.5
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Posted by Chris Alcock on 28 Apr 2015 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Team Project Rename available on VS Online – Brian Harry highlights the release of the Team Project Rename feature in the Visual Studio Online platform, their number 1 requested feature, now available on all accounts.
- Wizards and warriors, part one – Eric Lippert sets the scene (and a good one it is with Warriors and Wizards) for a discussion of modelling the real world in our type systems, and how things often need constraints which are not as easy to implement as we would like
- Solution to Little Puzzlers – Largest Square of ‘1’s in a Matrix – James Michael Hare shares his solution to his recent Little Puzzlers problem involving finding the largest square of elements all with value 1 within a matrix.
- The Little Wonders of C# 6 – A Presentation to the St. Louis .NET User Group – James Michael Hare also shares a presentation he gave last night at the St. Louis .NEt User group on the Little Wonders of C#6
- One API, Four Frameworks: The Great .NET ReST Showdown – Dylan Beattie discusses the rise of the frameworks, and the 4 different ReST frameworks he is going to be experimenting with, building the same API in each to learn about the features of the frameworks.
- DocumentDb Limits and Statistical Outliers – K. Scott Allen discusses the limit in document size on the Azure DocumentDB service, and looks at what that means in practical terms, as well as sharing some in statistical insight to help with making decisions based on data.
- Running and F# with FAKE in Azure Web Apps with Git and the Deploy Button – Scott Hanselman takes a look at writing web applications using F# and the framework, and getting things deployed to Azure easily
- Domain-Driven Design the Wrong Way – Jan Stenberg discusses some of the themes surrounding Domain Driven Development highlighted by Gabriel Schenker’s recent posts
- Sweet Aspects – Ralf Westphal takes a look at the Single Responsibility Principle, using sweets to illustrate the concept.
- Understanding ECMAScript 6: Class and Inheritance – David Catuhe shares a look at the ECMAScript 6 inheritance and class structures, focusing in on this feature which is being supported by the Project Spartan browser from Microsoft.
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