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The Morning Brew #1355

Posted by on 14 May 2013 | Tagged as: .NET, Database, Development, Morning Brew, SysAdmin

Update: A missing quote on one of todays links merged Ron Conery and Jeremy Miller’s links – corrected now, and thanks to Alistair and Daniel for letting me know.


  • SignalR/ReleaseNotes – The SignalR Team announce the release of SignalR 1.1, a release which includes significant improvements to the scale-out story, along with a healthy number of other bugfixes and improvements.
  • Introducing Backbone.js StarterKit – Kazi Manzur Rashid shares three NuGet packages which provide a basis for Knockout based Single Page Applications, with code written in JavaScript, CoffeeScript or TypeScript.


  • Applying Conway’s Law – Phil Haack discusses Conway’s Law on software reflecting the organisational structure which created it, discussing his experiences at Microsoft and also how GitHub organise themselves.
  • Spot the defect: rounding – Eric Lippert shares a seemingly very simple piece of code, with a subtle but significant bug, and challenges his readers to find the bug – the answer is in the comments, and will be the focus of a later blog post too.
  • Troy Hunt: Clickjack attack – the hidden threat right in front of you – Troy Hunt discusses in detail the anatomy and security risks exposed by Clickjacking exploits, and looking at what you can do to protect your ASP.NET applications from such attacks.
  • SQL Server Performance Crib Sheet – Grant Fritchey has an updated version of his SQL Server Performance Crib Sheet, detailing a goodly number of things that are well worth knowing if you have to manage SQL Server at any level.
  • Knowing More Programming Languages Will Make You Smarter – Rob Conery discusses the benefits with learning new languages, both spoken and more specifically programming.
  • Would I use RavenDb again? – Jeremy D Miller shares his thoughts and experiences of using RavenDB as a backend database for an application, discussing some of the benefits and some of the limitations that his team ran into during implementation
  • New Contributor? Jump In! – Nik Molnar shares thoughts on Open source projects having a ‘Jump In’ list of easier issues ideal for someone looking to get involved with an Open Source project but unsure of what to start work with – a great idea, and certainly well worth maintaining from a project lead point of view – the OSS world can only be better off from more contributors.

The Morning Brew #1195

Posted by on 24 Sep 2012 | Tagged as: .NET, ASP.NET, C#, COM Interop, Database, Development, Links, Morning Brew, SysAdmin


  • jQuery 1.8.2 Released – The jQuery Team announce the release of jQuery 1.8.2, a bugfix and performance regression fix release. As usual the files are available from the jQuery site, and should be making their way to the various content delivery networks.
  • IE 9.0.10 Available via Windows Update – The Internet Explorer Team have released a high importance security patch for Internet Explorer 9 to address recently reported security issues. Additionally there is an update for Internet Explorer 10 to address a Adobe Flash issue.


Afternoon Tea – Sunday 10th June 2012

Posted by on 10 Jun 2012 | Tagged as: .NET, Afternoon Tea, ASP.NET, C#, COM Interop, Community, Database, Development, Links, Morning Brew, SysAdmin, Talks / Presentations

It’s been quite a while since the last ‘Afternoon Tea’ post, and there have been quite a lot of significant announcements in the past few weeks, coupled with my being busy at work which has resulted in me building up quite a backlog of links which I really wanted to include in a Morning Brew. This post is my attempt to ‘clear the decks’ and get caught up again, and also provides the perfect excuse to do a link roundup of DDD South West which I had the pleasure of presenting at at the end of last month.


  • Introducing jQuery++ – Justin B Meyer and the folsk over at Bitovi announce the release of jQuery++, a collection of DOM helpers which complement and extend jQuery
  • Bundler.NET – Bundler.NET brings the CSS and JavaScript minification and combining features of .NET 4.5 to earlier versions of .NET. The installation is simple via a NuGet package and the API reflects the .NET 4.5 implementation.
  • bddify is moved to GitHub and is renamed to TestStack.BDDfy – Mehdi Khalili gives an update on TestStack.BDDfy, the project formerly known as bddify, discussing the name change, and change to the projects hosting, along with looking at the structure of the NuGet packages which amke up TestStack.BDDfy.
  • #mvvmlight V4 for Windows 8 RP is available – Laurent Bugnion announces the release of version 4 of his MVVMLight framework for Windows 8 Release Preview
  • Get latest CSS 3 support in Visual Studio 2010 – Mads Kristensen discusses how you can get the latest version of the CSS3 support into your Visual Studio 2010 installation providing a link to the schema files required and giving instructions on getting it setup and installed in Visual Studio 2010
  • Tree Surgeon – Alive and Kicking or Dead and Buried? – Bil Simser gives an update on an old tool that I used to make considerable use of in the past. Tree Surgeon was a tool to create a standardized format of Development Source Tree structure. In this post Bil discusses how the landscape of .NET development has changed in the 4 years since its last release with improvements in T4 Templating and NuGet, and questions if there is a future for the project.
  • Introducing RabbitBus – Derek Greer introduces RabbitBus, a .NET client API implementation for working with RabbitMQ, aiming to provide constructs which are not provided in the standard RabbitMQ .NET client. The library is open source with code available on GitHub, and the installation is available in NuGet package format.


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