
  • The Open-Closed Principle, in review – Jon Skeet sets about discussing the Open Closed Principle highlighting the relevant original literature, learning what its intent is about, discussing the concepts, and how he feels the name is part of the difficulty in understanding it.
  • Leveraging Roslyn to author ASP.NET Web API without recompiling – Fillip W takes a further look at the wonderful world of Roslyn, highlighting the ScriptCS project, before moving on to look at implementing dynamic compilation of code in ASP.NET Web API to avoid the real recompilation process
  • Node 0.10 compat issues with the Azure SDK and CLI – Glenn Block highlights the significant release of Node.js 0.10 which brings some significant improvements to streams, domains and performance. The downside of this, as Glenn highlights, is that the Azure SDK and CLI Tools currently don’t work correctly with the new version. The team are working on fixes but recommend sticking with Node 0.8 for a little while longer if you need the Azure tooling.
  • Debug Diag Blog Post Series from my French IIS Colleagues – Finbar Ryan shares a series of posts from Emmanuel, Sylvain and Paul looking at the various uses of the DebugDiag tooling
  • Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 – Application Lifecycles – Mike Taulty compares and contrasts the application lifecycle of Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 applications, looking at the range of lifecycle events and states, examining what is subtly different between the two, and also what has changed in WP8 over WP7.5
  • Animating lists with CSS 3 transitions – Steve Sanderson takes a look at implementing and iOS Native grid re-ordering look and feel in HTML and JavaScript, showing how the technologies in CSS3 allow you to very closely mimic the rich native application look, feel and performance,
  • Where to put custom Knockout Binding Implementations – Derik Whittaker takes a look at implementing a custom binding in Knockout, drawing on community feedack as to how to stucture / organise the code
  • Hacking Up A Glimpse Plugin – K. Scott Allen gives a quick start guide to extending Glimpse and implementing your own plugin to expose data from the server side to the client


  • Announcing Web Camps Spring Tour 2013 – Jon Galloway highlights the Web Camps series of events, taking place starting today (18th March) at a range of locations in the US and Europe, including London here in the UK. The events are free, although registration is required, and they are selling out fast, so if you are planning on attending get registered quickly.