
  • jQuery Mobile 1.3.0 Released – The jQuery Team announce the release of jQuery Mobile 1.3.0 which focuses on improving the support for Responsive Web Design with enhancements to existing controls and a number of new controls too.
  • The Making of Xamarin Studio – Miguel de Icaza discusses the creation of Xamarin Studio, their new product name for MonoDevelop which has now been enhanced to support iOS Android and Mac development, and the results of all this work ave been fed back into the MonoDevelop project.
  • DefinitelyTyped TypeScript definitions now on NuGet – Jason Jarret discusses his contribution to the DefinitelyTyped project (who provide TypeScript type definitions for libraries not written in TypeScript) whic adds automatic publishing and synchronisation of the type definitions in DefinitelyTyped onto NuGet making them really easy to obtain and keep up to date.


  • Five Fast Facts About ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 – In case you missed last weeks release of the ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 update Jonathan Rozenblit focuses in on 5 of the key features included in the release, and highlights some further resources to learn more.
  • ASP.NET Web API and Protocol Buffers – Filip W takes a look at enabling serialisation using the Google Prorocol Buffers format in your ASP.NET Web API projects, discussing why protocol buffers are a useful serialisation format (size of payload and performance of serialisation) before looking at implementing in a WebAPI project.
  • Using Sass and Compass in ASP.Net MVC with Web Workbench – Edward Charbeneau discusses the motivation for using pre-processors like SASS and Compass in your ASP.NET applications to make working with CSS easier, and discusses the use of the Web Workbench tooling from MindScape for better integration with Visual Studio.
  • Demo app and eBook for Windows Azure Mobile Services for iOS Clients – Shiju Varghese shares a free e-book and sample application code which looks at consuming Windows Azure Mobile Services from iOS based application clients to provide structured storage, user authentication and push notification functionality.
  • How to Create a Small Basic Extension Using C# – Ed Price features an article from Liam McSherry which looks at the use of C# to create language extensions for Small Basic which allows for additional features to be bolted into the language. The article walks through the process of developing a simple extension.
  • F# end to end – ‘FourEightThree ‘ has a nice post which looks at the use of the F# language from top to bottom in software development, providing for the programming language, build scripting language, deployment, UI and documentation, and comparing to the general C# stack with a mix of technologies.