
  • Announcing Public Availability of Service Bus for Windows Server (Service Bus 1.0) – Todd Holmquist-Sutherland makes the official announcements of the first release of Service Bus 1.0, providing enterprise class messaging for on-premise which matches the capabilities of the Azure Service Bus.
  • Announcing the Public Availability of Workflow Manager 1.0 – Similarly Jürgen Willis makes the official announcement of the release of Workflow Manager 1.0, which allows the hosting and management of long running workflows on Windows Server
  • CSLA 4 version 4.5 released with support for WinRT – Rockford Lhotka announces the release of his CSLA 4 application framework version 4.5 bringing support for .NET 4.5, WinRT, .NET 4 and Silverlgiht 5, available via NuGet or as a direct download. This release also includes support for async/await via the Async Targeting Pack, and offers improvements to the Business rules ending engine and to Windows Forms support.


  • Cryptographic Improvements in ASP.NET 4.5, pt. 3 – Levi Broderick returns for the final part of this series looking at the various changes, new features and improvements to Cryptographic related features in ASP.NET 4.5. This part discusses usage, and also answers a number of common questions.
  • Getting user information on Azure Mobile Services – Carlos Figueira takes a look at how you can get more than just authentication from the Azure Mobiles Service authentication, looking at how you can access additional user information from the various providers.
  • Typescript – a real world story of adoption in TFS – Brian Harry discusses how the TFS team were an early adopter of TypeScript to help them work with their JavaScript heavy Web Application Interface, discussing some of the areas which TypeScript help address issues, and also sharing some of the techniques used to help aid the introduction.
  • Using Jasmine To Test JavaScript – Joel Ross takes an introductory look at using the Jasmine framework to test JavaScript Code, sharing a getting started example.
  • Getting Started with SASS for Microsoft Developers – Jason Roberts takes a look at how us Microsoft Developers can get up and running with Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets), exploring the options for tooling, looking at the language, and seeing how Sass can be used to help with things like responsive design.
  • Design patterns in the test of time: A modern alternative to Abstract Factory–filtered dependencies – Ayende continues his look at the original Gang of Four design patterns, taking a look at how modern language features allow us to create a better implementation of the Abstract Factory pattern.
  • Technology Radar – The team over at ThoughtWorks have released the latest edition of the ThoughWorks Technology Radar, where they share their opinions on what state various technologies are in – well worth checking out, and seeing how what you use compares.