

  • MSDN Magazine: July 2012 – The July edition of MSDN Magazine is now available online, with articles on building better Windows Phone applications, MVC 4, Hadoop on Azure, Cache handling or relational data, OData, and ‘the Internet of Things’ with a look at hooking a thermostat up to Windows Azure Service Bus.
  • The Pragmatic Bookshelf – PragPub July 2012 – The Pragmatic Bookshelf have also release their July edition of PragPub magazine, this month containing a look at operational load, technical debt management, Threading, and a continuation of a series on Scala, along with a look at early reviews of the new Microsoft Surface devices.
  • WP to W8: Application Framework & WP to W8: User Interface – Jared Bienz takes a look at migration from the Windows Phone of today to the Windows Phone 8 platform, looking at both user interface concerns, and also at the wider application framework for Windows 8 applications in these (sponsored) CodeProject articles.
  • Using IIS Logs for Performance Testing with Visual Studio – Tarun Arora takes a look at combining your existing IIS We Logs with the Microsoft LogParser and creating your own load testing of your application based on previously captured traffic.
  • Computer Hard Disk Performance – From the Ground Up – Robert Bogue takes a look at the various aspects which make up the performance of a ‘spinning rust’ disk subsystem, discussing IOps, Bus choice, caching, latency, types of access, and also discussing how SSD’s fit into the picture.
  • What if we run out of stack space in C# or Python? – Li Chen discusses controlling stack space in your applications in both C# and Python, allowing you to have deeper recursion on threads you create.


  • DDD10 – September 1st 2012 – Session Voting has opened for the 10th DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper Rading Conference, which is to be held on Saturday 1st September. This is your chance to shape the topics on show at the conference, so cast your votes wisely across a great range of proposed sessions, including one from me 🙂