
  • Visual Studio 11 Beta and .NET 4.5 Beta Available Now! – Somasegar announces the availability of the Visual Studio 11 Beta, and along with it the .NET 4.5 Beta, highlight some previous posts looking at the features of the VS IDE, along with requesting feedback about the beta release.
  • Welcome to the Beta of Visual Studio 11 and .NET Framework 4.5 – Jason Zander also highlights the release of the beta, before taking a more detailed look at the various new and improved features which apply to different types of developer and make up the beta release
  • The C# 5.0 beta release is now available – Eric Lippert highlights the new versions of VB and C# that make an appearance in the beta release, giving a high level summary of the new features and linking to the announcement posts from the respective teams.
  • Introducing Visual F# 3.0 Beta! – The Visual Studio F# Team highlight the release of F# 3.0 beta as a part of the Visual Studio 11 and .NET 4.5 Beta, looking at some of the new features of their V3.
  • Welcome to Visual Studio 11 ALM Rangers Readiness Beta "Wave" – Willy-P. Schaub announces the shipping of the Visual Studio 11 ALM Rangers Readiness Beta “Gig” , including guides for working with Kanban and Ruck with TFS, build customisation, server and upgrade planning, release management, and much more.
  • Announcing LightSwitch in Visual Studio 11 Beta! – The LightSwitch team highlight the shipping of an updated release as a part of the Visual Studio 11 beta release. This updated version includes bugfixes, feature enhancements, and support for a number of new usage scenarios.
  • Welcome to Windows 8 – The Consumer Preview – Steven Sinofsky and the Windows 8 team announce the availability of the Consumer Preview of Windows 8. This pre-release version includes over 100,000 code changes since the developer preview and is now ready for more wide spread testing.
  • Running the Consumer Preview: system recommendations – Grant George provides further information about the hardware requirements in order to try out the consumer preview of Windows 8, discussing the base line specification required, and looking at additional requirements for certain features of the OS.
  • The Fifth IE10 Platform Preview – The Internet Explorer team highlight the inclusion of the 5th preview release of Internet Explorer 10 as a part of the Windows 8 Consumer Preview release.
  • EF4.3.1 and EF5 Beta 1 Available on NuGet – The Entity Framework Team announce the release of two new versions of Entity Framework as NuGet packages. Version 4.3.1 addresses a number of reported issues with the 4.3 release, and 5.0.0-beta1 represents the first preview release of the forthcoming Entity Framework 5 which introduces a number of new features beyond 4.3.1 for applications which target .NET 4.5
  • Visual Studio 11 Beta – Unit Testing Plugins List – Peter Provost highlights the range of test runners and testing frameworks which already have shipped support available for integrated testing within Visual Studio 11, including those supporting .NET, JavaScript / HTML, and C++
