
  • C#/.NET Little Pitfalls: Stopwatch Ticks are not TimeSpan Ticks – James Michael Hare continues his ‘little pitfalls’ series which explores areas of the C# language and .NET Framework which can be confusing, misleading of simply a little strange. In this post James explores the Stopwatch’s ElapsedTicks property and how they don’t necessarily represent the same ‘ticks’ as used elsewhere in the framework.
  • Inside the Concurrent Collections: ConcurrentStack – Simon Cooper continues his series looking at the internals of the Concurrent Collections introduced in .NET 4. This post sees the ConcurrentStack fall under the microscope, with a look at how it works internally and how concurrency is supported.
  • Scoping CQRS/ES Guidance Project – Grigori Melnik discusses a pending project from the Patterns and Practices team at Microsoft to create a reference implementation of a Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing (ES) based architecture. The team have a questionnaire which they would appreciate your feedback to help them focus and scope the project.
  • Using Rx? Subscribe to exceptions! – ‘BenWilli’ highlights the ability within the Reactive Extensions for .NET to gracefully handle exceptions, and discusses a recent situation where he didn’t make use of this feature which resulted in a large number of crash reports of his Windows Phone 7 application.
  • A C# Extension Method using Expression Trees to Create an instance from a Type – Steve Wilkes shares an extension method which will create an instance of a type from the type object, making use of expression trees to make the instantiation perform well.
  • Integration testing with Azure development storage – Rory Primrose discusses the problem with the Windows Azure development storage when you want to use it in a unit testing scenario, discovering a solution for the Azure SDK 1.0, and updates and shares a version which works with the 1.6 SDK.
  • Charles Petzold on His 25 Years with MSDN Magazine – Michael Desmond celebrates 25 years of MSDN magazine (as both the Microsoft Systems Journal and MSDN Magazine as it is today), sharing a recent interview with Charles Petzold, a contributor to the publication since its inception.
  • ASP.NET MVC 3 Real Time Collaborative Apps with SignalR – Sumit Maitra walks through the creation of a simple application using ASP.NET MVC 3 and the SignalR asynchronous signalling framework which allows you to create persistent connections between your client side code and server side code.
  • Bringing Cut the Rope to Life in an HTML5 Browser: Behind the Scenes – MSDN UK Team blog – Site Home – MSDN Blogs – Sara Allison shares an article from Microsoft Senior Technical Evangelist Giorgio Sardo discussing the migration of the iPhone Game ‘Cut the Rope’ to a HTML5 implementation to run in Internet Explorer, highlighting the chalenges of perfomance and the tooling used.


  • Developing iOS applications with C# and .NET using MonoTouch – The Canary Wharf .NET User Group welcome Chris Hardy for a session on using C# and .NET to build applications for iOS making use of MonoTouch. This event is currently fully booked, but a waiting list is running so there is still a chance you will be able to attend.