


  • Gill Cleeren on Windows Runtime & Metro Apps for Windows 8… – Scottish Developer welcome Gill Cleeren to Edinburgh on Wednesday 23rd November for two sessions, one exploring building a Windows Phone 7 from File > New Project to the market place, and a second looking at building Windows 8 Metro apps using WinRT.
  • Windows Phone 7.5 Developer Event THURSDAY! – Paul Johnson highlights this Thursday’s all day Windows Phone Event being run as a Live Meeting event starting at 9am (Pacific) and runs for 8 hours (so evening time here in the UK). Registration is required.
  • The JetBrains Magical Mouseless Continuous England User Group Tour – Hadi Hariri is on an England User group our in Mid November taking in Essex, Cambridge, Manchester, Coventry and London with a session on Mouselless development. In Lonodon he will be joined by a few UK speakers for sessions on Continuous Development (Paul Stack) and Dynamic Plugins with OpenWrap (Seb Lambla)