
  • Announcing Microsoft Codename "Data Explorer" – Microsoft Announce a new product – "Data Explorer" provides means to explore data sets and gain new insights from the data by combining your data is other related data sets, including the ability to collaborate on and publish your results
  • Big day for Big Data… Hadoop coming to Windows Azure, Windows Server and SQL Server – Greg Duncan highlights the announcements and reactions to support of Apache Hadoop coming for Windows Azure, Windows Server and SQL Server made at the PASS summit in Seattle
  • FSharpChart new release available (version 0.55) – Carl Nolan highlights a new release of FSharpChart. This release benefits from the documentation effort the team have been making and fixes a number of known issues, along with adding enhancements such as tooltip support for data points, defaults for fonts and other chart properties and styles support.


  • Official release of "The Developer’s Guide to AppFabric" – Alan Smith announces the release of the official version of his ‘Developers Guide To AppFabric’ eBook. This October 2011 release contains no additional content over the CTP but does include a number of corrections. Alan is planning a November release too which will add further content to the book.
  • Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview: Search Everywhere – RadhikaTadinada discusses the Search Everywhere feature of Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview which aims to make it easier for you to find what you are looking in the variety of places in the IDE which present lists of data.
  • WinRT BackgroundWorker type – Rockford Lhotka discusses the lack o a BackgroundWorker type in WinRT, and since his CSLA framework requires such a type shares an implementation of the Background worker which will operate on WinRT.
  • Full-height app layouts: Animated transitions within panes – Steve Sanderson continues his series on full-height web application layouts, taking a look at changing content in the various panels of your application, and exploring how you can animate the transitions
  • EFMVC 1.0 Preview Released – Shiju Varghese announces the second release of an Entity Framework / ASP.NET MVC 3 sample application which illustrates the use of these two technologies together. This updated release makes some changes to the application architecture and introduces some CQRS principles.
  • HTML5 Video Captioning – Frank Olivier of the Internet Explorer Team discusses HTML 5 Video and the ability to add captions to the video, and discussing the support for this in Internet Explorer 10
  • ScreenShots.cs: How to capture screenshots of your app on your device – Jeff Wilcox shares a simple solution to taking screen shots of your Windows Phone Application in use on the device by including some code in your development builds which will caputure frames at particular times or intervals configured in code with the screenshots being placed in isolated storage.
  • Preview ASP.NET MVC 4 – Christian D. Yellington takes a look at the steps required to manually upgrade an ASP.NET MVC 3 project to ASP.NET MVC4, highlighting the references, configuration and project file changes required.