
  • TouchDevelop v2.1: integrated script bazaar – Nikolai Tillmann announces the release of Touch Develop 2.1, an update to the recent 2.0 release which brings integration of the Script Bazaar into the main application making it easier to discover and use scripts published by the community.
  • Announcing YUI 3.4.0 and the new – The Yahoo User Interface team announce the release of YUI 3.4.0, along with the launch of the site. YUI 3.4.0 brings with it the first beta of the App Framework, Calendar widget, an overhaul of the Loader, a graphics module (in beta), along with promotions to GA status of a number of previously beta components.



  • A Developer’s Morning with Microsoft – Scottish Developers in conjunction with Microsoft are running a morning event at Microsoft’s Edinburgh office on Friday 9th September. The session will include content on Azure with Steve Plank, and Visual Studio with Steven Clark, a User Experience Researcher on the Visual Studio team. There will also e a keynote from Microsoft’s UK Managing Director Gordon Frazer.
  • In The Brain of Kevin Ryan: Kanban for Lean – Skills Matter continue their ‘In the Brain of …’ series of events with a peek inside Kevin Rayn’s brain, looking at the use of Kanban and lean techniques for delivery of IT Solutions. The event, held in Skills Matter in London is free to attend, and runs on Thursday 6th October.