April 2011

Monthly Archive

The Morning Brew #836

Posted by on 18 Apr 2011 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew


  • Now Available: Windows Azure SDK 1.4 Refresh with Web Deploy Integration – The Windows Azure Team announces the Windows azure SDK 1.4 Refresh – the latest update of the tools for building applications on the Windows Azure platform. This release introduces improved deployment using Web Deploy which can make deploying much easier under certain circumstances.
  • StyleCop 4.5 RC1 – Tatworth highlights the release of StyleCop 4.5 Release Candidate 1. The StyleCop team have been hard at work on this release with a vast number of releases along the way, and this release candidate release is the result. If you haven’t already tried V4.5 give this release a go and help the team out with your feedback.


  • Algorithm Tutorials – Karl Seguin announces a side project of his, a site dedicated to some of the key basic algorithms and data structures in computer science. As a non-computer-science educated developer these sorts of site are very valuable.
  • Async CTP Refresh – compiler bug fixes – Lucian Wischik discusses some of the compiler bugfixes introduced in the Async CTP Refresh, illustrating how the compiler used to generate code (and illustrate the bug) and what the new compiler output looks like.
  • Creating a Markup Extension for MEF with Silverlight 5 – Jeremy Likness takes a look at one of the new features of Silverlight 5, the ability to create custom markup extensions for use in XAML which allow you to pass further information through to the generated object graph. In this post Jeremy shows how you can easily create one of these and register it for use with MEF.
  • Update on the Microsoft jQuery Plugins – Scott Hunter shares an update on the work that has been going on with the jQuery Plugins that Microsoft are working on, and discusses the changes in the management of plugin projects at jQuery.
  • Configuration Settings Are A Dependency That Should Be Injected – Paul Hiles discusses how configuration is often overlooked as something that you should be injecting into your business logic using Dependency Injection in order to have properly unit testable classes.
  • Indexed Sequences – Chris Eargle builds on a class from Phil Haacks recent post on Better Razor ForEach Loops giving a class which allows for additional information to be attached to entries allowing order to be changed whilst maintaining the original indexing.
  • /Platform:AnyCPU, /Platform:x64, /Platform:x86, what do they mean – Li Chen discusses the various platform compilation switches and what they mean for the executing CLR and the use of ActiveX / COM /COM+ components.
  • A Collection of JavaScript Gotchas – Jonathan Cardy shares a collection of areas in which JavaScript differs from other programming languages which can result in un-intended behaviour and misunderstandings


The Morning Brew #835

Posted by on 15 Apr 2011 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew


  • MVVM Light V4 preview 3 (BL16, MIX11 edition!!) #mvvmlight – Laurent Bugnion announces the release of a new Preview Release of his MVVM Light V4 framework. This release includes a renaming of a class to a better name suggested by the community, along with a new Inversion of Control Container implementation
  • Announcing YUI Test 1.0.0 Beta 2 – The Yahoo! User Interface team announce their second beta release of YUI Test 1.0.0. This release builds on feedback from the first beta release, and now includes init and destroy methods allowing you to have fixture setup and teardown like behaviour for your tests, along with a context which is shared between init, destroy, setup and teardown methods
  • New Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework “Sample Browser” v3 Released – Jialiang gives a tour of the new All-In-One Code Framework browser application which allows you to explore and search and obtain the 600+ code samples that make up the All-In-One Code Framework.
  • Coming soon: Kinect for Windows SDK beta – Microsoft Press – Site Home – MSDN Blogs – Devon Musgrave highlights the details of the Kinect SDK, a much discussed item at Mix (judging by the blog posts I’ve seen), sharing some details of the features that will be included as well as highlighting the link to register to receive more information when it is publically released.
  • Afterthought – Jamie Thomas highlights the release of Afterthought, billed as an Open Source Compile Time Code Amender, giving AOP like capabilities. The development of this project was influenced by PostSharp and its conversion to being a commercial concern. This is the project’s first public release, and the code is available over on GitHub.


  • The easy way to publish NuGet packages with sources – David Ebbo discusses new NuGet.exe features which makes it easier to package up source with your normal package content, support debugging with the use of Symbols servers with publishing of symbols to SymbolSource.org, walking through the 7 steps of publishing and the 5 for consuming this wonderfulness.
  • A Better Razor Foreach Loop – Phil Haack shares a simple use of the Razor Templated Delegates feature which iterates through a collection calling a passed template each time but rather than passing the item it passes an instance of a class containing the item and some additional information
  • Parsing Non-Standard Date and Time Formats – Ron Petrusha takes a look at parsing date and time values from unusual formats of supplied information using the .NET Frameworks ParseExact and TryParseExact methods, illustrating with plenty of examples
  • C#/.NET Little Wonders: First() and Single() – Similar Yet Different – James Michael Hare continues his series of less known C# and .NET features with a look at two LINQ extension Methods which at first glance seem to do the same type of thing but differ in actual fact, sharing advice on when to use each.
  • Serializing Continuations – Mike Hadlow takes a fascinating look at serializing Continuations allowing you to create them, allow them to capture their variables, and then store them away for later execution, illustrating this powerful idea with a simple sample.
  • NHibernate 3.2: mapping by code conventions – Fabio Maulo shares a look at the new Mapping functionality included in NHIbernate 3.2 allowing for convention based mappings to be performed in code using native NHibernate
  • IE10 Platform Preview and CSS Features for Adaptive Layouts – The Internet Explorer team share some detail on the use of some of the new CSS features for creating adaptive layouts, exploring CSS3 Grid Layouts, Multi-Column layouts and Flexible Box Layouts, some of the features being implemented in IE10 and demoed at MIX11.
  • Async CTP Refresh – its state and direction – Lucian Wischik shares some information about the future work being undertaken on the Async CTP and answers some of the more common questions on this release


The Morning Brew #834

Posted by on 14 Apr 2011 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew

A browser crash at too later stage in my Morning Brew Prep has curtailed today’s Information section – anything from yesterday that didn’t go in today will be in tomorrow’s edition

MIX, Silverlight and Windows Phone


  • Refreshing the Async CTP – Eric Lippert announces the release of the next Community Preview of the Async Language Features. This release brings Async features to the Windows Phone Platform, works in non-english versions of Visual Studio, and includes a Go Live License allowing you to use these features in production (at your own risk). This release also contains features and fixes to address the top issues raised with the previous CTP and is well worth checking out. Lucian Wischik has details of the install process, and getting up and running with Async on the Phone in his post Async CTP Refresh – Installation
  • RouteDebugger 2.0 – Phil Haack highlights a really useful looking tool for helping diagnose Routing issues available as a part of the Glimpse Web Debugger project.
  • xUnit.net 1.8 – The xUnit.NET team have released the RTM version of xUnit.NET 1.8 – from what I gather this release is actually the same as the release Candidate, just with a label change on the download – great news as the RC process must have had no significant issues – well done guys
  • Announcing datajs version 0.0.3 – Asad Khan of the WCF Data Services Team announces the release of data.js 0.0.3, a library for JavaScript which aims to make data heavy application development easier. This new release makes use of some of the HTML5 local data storage features to improve the caching of data, and adds pre-fetch capabilities


  • The seven deadly sins for the developer (* some restrictions apply) – Ayende kicks off a discussion of Development Anti-patterns, sharing three of the worst practices, and calls for his readers to add their own ‘favourite’ crimes against code in the comments.
  • Me on NHibernate 3.2 – James Gregory discusses the new Fluent ‘loquacious’ API for configuring NHibernate in NHibernate 3.2, and how this relates to the FluentNHibernate project


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