The Morning Brew #835
Posted by Chris Alcock on Friday 15th April 2011 at 07:41 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- MVVM Light V4 preview 3 (BL16, MIX11 edition!!) #mvvmlight – Laurent Bugnion announces the release of a new Preview Release of his MVVM Light V4 framework. This release includes a renaming of a class to a better name suggested by the community, along with a new Inversion of Control Container implementation
- Announcing YUI Test 1.0.0 Beta 2 – The Yahoo! User Interface team announce their second beta release of YUI Test 1.0.0. This release builds on feedback from the first beta release, and now includes init and destroy methods allowing you to have fixture setup and teardown like behaviour for your tests, along with a context which is shared between init, destroy, setup and teardown methods
- New Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework “Sample Browser” v3 Released – Jialiang gives a tour of the new All-In-One Code Framework browser application which allows you to explore and search and obtain the 600+ code samples that make up the All-In-One Code Framework.
- Coming soon: Kinect for Windows SDK beta – Microsoft Press – Site Home – MSDN Blogs – Devon Musgrave highlights the details of the Kinect SDK, a much discussed item at Mix (judging by the blog posts I’ve seen), sharing some details of the features that will be included as well as highlighting the link to register to receive more information when it is publically released.
- Afterthought – Jamie Thomas highlights the release of Afterthought, billed as an Open Source Compile Time Code Amender, giving AOP like capabilities. The development of this project was influenced by PostSharp and its conversion to being a commercial concern. This is the project’s first public release, and the code is available over on GitHub.
- The easy way to publish NuGet packages with sources – David Ebbo discusses new NuGet.exe features which makes it easier to package up source with your normal package content, support debugging with the use of Symbols servers with publishing of symbols to, walking through the 7 steps of publishing and the 5 for consuming this wonderfulness.
- A Better Razor Foreach Loop – Phil Haack shares a simple use of the Razor Templated Delegates feature which iterates through a collection calling a passed template each time but rather than passing the item it passes an instance of a class containing the item and some additional information
- Parsing Non-Standard Date and Time Formats – Ron Petrusha takes a look at parsing date and time values from unusual formats of supplied information using the .NET Frameworks ParseExact and TryParseExact methods, illustrating with plenty of examples
- C#/.NET Little Wonders: First() and Single() – Similar Yet Different – James Michael Hare continues his series of less known C# and .NET features with a look at two LINQ extension Methods which at first glance seem to do the same type of thing but differ in actual fact, sharing advice on when to use each.
- Serializing Continuations – Mike Hadlow takes a fascinating look at serializing Continuations allowing you to create them, allow them to capture their variables, and then store them away for later execution, illustrating this powerful idea with a simple sample.
- NHibernate 3.2: mapping by code conventions – Fabio Maulo shares a look at the new Mapping functionality included in NHIbernate 3.2 allowing for convention based mappings to be performed in code using native NHibernate
- IE10 Platform Preview and CSS Features for Adaptive Layouts – The Internet Explorer team share some detail on the use of some of the new CSS features for creating adaptive layouts, exploring CSS3 Grid Layouts, Multi-Column layouts and Flexible Box Layouts, some of the features being implemented in IE10 and demoed at MIX11.
- Async CTP Refresh – its state and direction – Lucian Wischik shares some information about the future work being undertaken on the Async CTP and answers some of the more common questions on this release
- Pair programming – The Good, The Bad and the Ugly – Canary Wharf .NET User Group – The Canary Wharf .NET User Group welcome Rachel Laycock and Sara Stephens and their previously well-received session on Pair Programming, looking at both patterns and anti-patterns of the pair programming process in this event being held on Wednesday 4th May.
- UK hosted Twitter Q&A on Cloud – 12pm to 1pm on Friday 15th April – Eric Nelson highlights an online event being run on the UK TechNet Twitter account where for one hour today a team of experts will be available to answer any and all questions on the cloud.
- Register for webcast with Scott Hanselman LIVE from TechDays 2011 in Belgium on 27 April – Katrien DG highlights the Belgium TechDAys KeyNote address from Scott Hanselman which will be broadcast live online. Scot will also be doing an Q&A session, so if you have a question you’d like to know the answer to, submit it to the organising team.
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