

  • NuGet Was The Star of MIX 11 – Rob Conery reflects back on MIX11, declaring the NuGet project to be the star of the conference, discussing Nuget and some possible improvements that could be made to it, along with talking about how NuGet introduces a PowerShell command shell to the Visual Studio IDE
  • Writing a NuGet Package That Adds A Command To The PowerShell Console – Phil Haack also focuses on the PowerShell side of the NuGet package manager with a look at implementing a NuGet package which adds commands to the console, creating a simple Magic 8 Ball command.
  • NuGet Package of the Week #5 – Debugging ASP.NET MVC applications with Glimpse – Scott Hanselman also continues spreading the NuGet love with the 5th instalment of his NuGet Package of the week series, taking a look at the Glimpse project which allows you to see what is going on inside the web server to help debug problems.
  • April 19th What’s Happening Around Visual Studio – Jason Zander gives an update on all things Visual Studio Service Pack 1 and related releases, highlighting the various blog posts from the various teams detailing releases, workarounds and installation information
  • EF 4.1 Code First Validation – Wriju shares a nice simple example of using the server side Validation features of Entity Framework with the 4.1 Code First release, showing how the validation is created using either the Fluent API or the Attribute based mapping.
  • Building a better MessageBox for WP7 with the help of XNA. – Michael Crump takes a look at how you can leverage the XNA Framework on Windows Phone 7 to create a better MessageBox implementation which allows for custom button text
  • Code coverage on MVC projects – Could not find WebDev.WebServer40.Exe. – Barry Dorrans looks into a problem with code coverage reporting on his ASP.NET MVC 2 application where the code coverage was looking to include the Development Web Server as a part of the Code Coverage report. Barry tracks this down to an incorrect project selection and shares the notes in case anyone else experiences the problem.


  • ADO.NET Entity Framework Code First 4.1 – Online – Wriju highlights a virtual event to be held today (Wednesday 20th April) at 11am Pacific which will be looking at the new features of Entity Framework Code First 4.1. Registration via the partner site is required to virtually attend.
  • NxtGenUG – Real World Dynamic C# – Mark Rendle will be visiting the Oxford NxtGenUG Group on the evening of Tuesday 3rd May where he will be delivering his session on real world uses of the dynamic keyword in C# 4 code.