
  • Introducing WebMatrix – Scott Guthrie announces the first beta of WebMatrix, a new entry level development tool for creating web applications on the ASP.NET stack, utilising all the new technologies announced over the past weeks (Razor, SQL Serve Compact Edition, IIS Developer Express). This tool aims to lower the barrier to entry for developers on the .NET Stack, making it easy to build your first applications / sites with a route to upgrading skills to the professional tools at a later stage. This post outlines the key concepts and features of the tool in Scott’s typical screenshot rich tour.
  • SharpCrafters Blog | Announcing PostSharp 2.0 RTW – Gael Fraiteur announces the Release to Web of the official PostSharp 2.0 release. 2.0 is a major re-work of the concepts of PostSharp, and this release builds on the previous beta and CTP releases, providing better Visual Studio integration, improved performance and numerous new features over the version 1.5
  • The PowerGUI Visual Studio PowerShell extension is now officially a v1 (RTW/RTM, Released, Stable, etc, etc) – Greg Duncan highlights the release of v1.0 of the PowerGUI Visual Studio PowerShell extension which integrates PowerShell script editing support into Visual Studio .


  • Microsoft WebMatrix in Context and Deploying Your First Site – Scott Hanselman gives an overview of the Web Matrix Beta product, and takes a look at the deployment process for a simple site.
  • Introducing WebMatrix – An Easier Way To Do ASP.NET & WebMatrix – A First Application – Mike Brind explores the Web Matrix product, discussing its role in making ASP.NET Development easier, and runs through the creation of a simple book listing application
  • The Forrest Gump guide to the new WebMatrix. – Michael Crump also explores the Web Matrix product, discussing its aims, and looks at the install of the product from the Web Platform Installer, and explores the easy publishing to compatible hosting packages.
  • Using WIF with Workflow Services – Zulfiqar explores the integration of Windows Identity Foundation with Windows Work Flow Service Applications hosted in WCF and looks at the role of the WF Security Pack to add security related activities to workflows.
  • Introduction to Data Sync Service for SQL Azure – Wayne Walter Berry discusses Data Sync Services for SQL Azure which brings a means of performing two-way synchronisation of data between different SQL Azure databases hosted in the same (or different) data centres. The Data Sync Services are built upon the Microsoft Sync Framework, and is provided as a service centrally by Microsoft.
  • Layout Designer prototype is now open-source on CodePlex – Kirill Osenkov announces the releases the source code of his Silverlight / WPF Layout Designer prototype application on CodePlex allowing people to investigate how it was implemented and re-purpose it for their own uses.
  • Caliburn.Micro Soup to Nuts Pt. 1 – Configuration, Actions and Conventions – Rob Eisenberg begins his tour / tutorial of Caliburn Micro his Silverlight / Windows Phone 7 targeted MVVM framework, beginning by exploring a simple getting started example to illustrate configuration, and conventions used by the framework.
  • Being threadsafe – an introduction to the pitfalls of parallelism – Mike James explores the concepts of Thread Saftey, looking at where it becomes necessary to make something thread safe, and explores some ways of achieving this, along with some of the bad sideffects of getting thread saftey wrong such as deadlocks.
  • A GPU-Powered Shopping Experience with – The Internet Explorer 9 team discuss another of their sample applications (the Amazon shelf) looking at how the utilisation of the GPU changes the performance characteristics of the application, and compare the CPU / GPU use with other browsers.
  • Model-View-* – The UK Application Development Consulting Blog shares a nice article from Mehran Nikoo from last month which gives nice brief overviews and pictorial representations of various common Model-View style patterns.
  • Hosting Windows PowerShell 2.0 under CLR 4.0 – B# .NET Blog – Bart De Smet returns to blogging with a look at hosting the Powershell console and runtime under .NET 4.0, involving some ILDASM and WinDbg usage to investigate the options.