
  • Introducing Knockout, a UI library for JavaScript – Steve Sanderson releases Knockout, a UI library for Javascript which utilises observers to keep the display and data in sync, bringing dependency tracking, declarative binding and nested templates for data display. Wirtten in pure JavaScript, this library plays nicely with jQuery, and is licensed under the Microsoft Permissive(MS-Pl) open source license.
  • StoryTeller One Point Oh! – Jeremy D. Miller announces the 1.0 release of StoryTeller after some 18 months of developement. Story Teller is a tool for creating External DSLs for use in creating executable human readable specifications based on .NET langauges.
  • Castle Windsor 2.5 – the final countdown – beta 1 released (and Core, DynamicProxy, Dictionary Adapter) – Krzysztof Kozmic announces the first beta of Castle 2.5, specifically Castle Windsor and a number of other Castle Components, giving the details of the significant changes to both the organisation of the project and the individual components
