The Morning Brew Christmas Holiday Posting Schedule

As regular readers know, The Morning Brew is published every week day with the exception of UK public holidays. As we are entering the Christmas Holiday period posting will be a little patch (as there are quite a few public holidays, some occurring on unusual days due to holiday days falling at the weekend). I thought it would be useful to outline when you can expect editions of the next week or so:

  • Thursday 24th December 2009 – Normal post
  • Friday 25th December 2009 – No post, Christmas Day
  • Saturday 26th December 2009 – No Post
  • Sunday 27th December 2009 – No Post
  • Monday 28th December 2009 – No Post, Boxing day stand-in holiday
  • Tuesday 29th December 2009 – Normal post, although likely to be later in the day than usual
  • Wednesday 30th December 2009- Normal post, although likely to be later in the day than usual
  • Thursday 31st December 2009- 2009 Wrap Up Post
  • Friday 1st January 2010 – No Post – New Years Day
  • Saturday 2nd January 2010 – No Post
  • Sunday 3rd January 2010 – No Post
  • Monday 4th January 2010 – Normal Posting Resumes

Best wishes to all The Morning Brew’s Readers, and Contributors for the Christmas Holidays!


  • ReSharper 5.0 Beta Comes Out – JetBrains announce the Beta release of ReSharper 5.0 which operates with Visual Studio 2008 and 2010. This is a beta release, so if you do try it out please report any issues you find back to the folks at JetBrains so they can get them fixed before the final release
  • Orderly JSON – Ajaxian highlights a project from Lloyd Hilaiel – a textual format to represent JSON objects which allows schema to be created in JSONSchema format


  • Testing Agatha’s Caching Functionality With QuickNet – Davy Brion delves deeper into the tests he has written for Agatha’s caching layer which use QuickNet, along the way providing a good introduction to the capabilities of QuickNet and an understanding of how to use it.
  • Introducing Fluent MetadataProvider for ASP.NET MVC – Kazi Manzur Rashid announces a new feature for his System.Web.MVC.Extensibility project, a fluent interface which allows you to build the metadata model in code, adding to the attribute based approach some additional type checking to help ensure that what you write is correct, and also allowing you to inject dependencies
  • Creating Multiple Choice Exam Application Using ASP.NET MVC Framework – Mohammad Azam walks through the creation of a simple Multiple Choice Exam application using ASP.NET MVC with plenty of code to illustrate in the article and a download of the sample application.
  • Comments on Corey Haines’ String Calculator TDD Kata Implementation – A few months back Roy Osherove proposed a TDD Kata exercise for relating to strings, and in this post he provides some feedback on Corey Haines implementation of this Kata in Ruby (of which a full video is provided). Its always interesting to see TDD well done, and also interesting to see it in a less familiar language (to the average C#’er)
  • Deep Dive Into WCF Part 2: Serialization on the speed of light with Google Protocol Buffers – Alexey Zakharov looks at building High Performance RESTful web serices using ASP.NET MVC and the Google Protocol Buffers library. The article is accompanied by plenty of source illustrating the process of getting started with the C# port of protocol buffers
  • Swiss Cheese and WF4, or, An Introduction to ActivityAction – Matt Winkler takes a look at the new ActivityAction functionality of Windows Workflow 4, which allows for your Workflow to have custom logic bolted into specified ‘holes’
  • Castle Typed Factory Facility reborn – Krzysztof Kozmic looks at the idea behind a Typed Factory implementation, showing how you can implement it your self, and then introduces the re-introduced Typed Factory Facility which is a automatically created factory created by the IOC container but which does not require your consuming code to know about the container.
  • C# Support for Tuples – Miguel de Icaza posts some more proof of concept extensions for C# as a part of the Mono Project, in this post the use of Tuples, and how support for them could be included in numerous places in the framework
  • Specifications – Mark Nijhof shows his home brewed Specifications ‘Framework’ which backs onto NUnit and Moq. Mark runs through how the ‘framework’ is constructed in stages, showing a nice simple base class, and building on that to the full ‘framework’
  • Free C# Legacy Chapters – Jim Minatel shares some chapters from Wrox publishing books which are being cut from the latest editions of books as the feature areas of the language have not see significant development in the .NET 4 time frame, and are being cut (And made available for free) in order to free space for new chapters.
  • Exposing the View Model to JavaScript in ASP.NET MVC – Matt looks at three techniques for providing access to the View Model data in your ASP.NET MVC page’s JavaScript code.