
  • NCover v3.2 Released! – The NCover team announce the release of NCover 3.2 now with .NET 4.0 support along with a feature which allows you to ignore any assemblies which don’t have PDB files (allowing you to focus on just your code). There are also bugfixes and improvements to the NCover Explorer
  • Announcing a new product line – Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC – Telerik announce the release of their first Open Source product, released under the MS-PL license, which offers a number of ASP.NET MVC enhancements, and UI controls working with JQuery and JQuery UI
  • ASP.NET MVC: DevExpress Mail Demo – Not to be left out, DevExpress Evangelist Mehul Harry announces official support for ASP.NET MVC byt the DevExpress ASP.NET Controls, and shares a sample application based on these controls running in ASP.NET MVC
