The Morning Brew #180
Posted by Chris Alcock on Tuesday 16th September 2008 at 07:21 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
Thankfully things are working again, so no delays in today’s posting. Due to the problems yesterday there were a number of links from the weekend that didn’t make it into the post, but any that missed out are included today, hence its a slightly longer than usual edition.
- Xml Visualizer v.2 – Lars Hove Christiansen shares V0.2 of his XML Debug Visualiser for Visual Studio, allowing better exploration of XML at debug time
- NUnit 2.5 Alpha 4 Released – Charlie Poole announces the latest alpha release of NUnit.
- CodePlex.Snippets – Release: Production (VS2008) – This collection of snippets for Visual Studio 2008 contains 50 snippets many based on snippets used by developers within the Visual C# team at Microsoft.
- Data Structures and Algorithms 0.6 released! – Granville Barnett announces the release of version 0.6 of his data structures and Algorithms library. This release adds three major new features, and a number of minor fixes and changes.
- XML Explorer – XML Explorer, a nice simple and lightweight XML file viewer, has reached version 2. Notabale features include a small memory foot print, even when working with big documents, schema validations, and the evaluation of XPath.
- SharpWidgetsUI version 1.0 released – Aflava announce the release of ShapeWidgetsUI, their UI control library. Licenses start at 299 Euro, which includes a 12 month updates subscription.
- .NET Memory Management – Resources – Scott Dorman shares a great collection of resources about memory management in .NET
- Simple aspect for NHibernate and virtual keyword – Michal Dabrowski shares a PostSharp Aspect which aims to assist NHibernate developers, by ensuring all public members are marked as virtual, thereby allowing NHibernate to do its Lazy Load magic.
- Use INFER.EXE to Create XML Schemas – Eric White highlights a useful rool from Microsoft for creating schema documents from example XML documents.
- nAML: A New Revolutionary Way to Model Your .NET Applications! – Mohammad Ashraful Alam gives the lowdown on what nAML is really all about, following on from the release of the Spec and Visio tools last week.
- Web-Application Framework – Catharsis – part I – Radim.Kohler shares the details of Catharsis, a web application framework, distributed and implemented as a Guidance package, with full source available on CodePlex.
- Creating a Silverlight Layout Panel – Ray Houston shows how simple it is to create your own layout controls for SIlverLight
- SharePoint for Developers: 1. Introduction – SharePoint is one of those technologies I really don’t know enough about, and this series by Gunnar Peipman looks like it might solve my ignorance.
- Closures – Eric White looks at closures in LINQ, giving a nice explanation of where the closure is, and how we as developers are often able to use a concept without even noticing it.
- Scripting in F# – Chris Smith looks at F# for scripting on the desktop, looking at some of the integration and language features which make it a good scripting language, complete with some starting blocks for you to write your own scripts.
- Then a Miracle Occurs – Public Beta – Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky throw open the doors on Stack Overflow, their new Developer Q&A community site.
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