
Why I Love being a Software Developer – Derik Whittaker talks about why he loves his job

Lock Down SQL Server 2005 – A good rundown of the steps involved in making Sql 2005 nice and secure

CRUD operations in Siverlight using ADO.NET Data Service – I first came into contact with ADO.NET Data Services (Project Astoria) last year at a VBUG talk but since then I’ve not heard much about it. This article talks about how you can use it from Silverlight

Building an MVP Framework for .NET. Part 1: The Basics of MVC and MVP – A new series which covers building an MVP framework – this first part introduces the concepts of MVP/MVC

Building an MVP Framework for .NET. Part 2: Implementing Core Functionality – And part two of this series continues with the core MVP functionality

Is ORM a Dead End? – An interesting discussion of the differences between the Object Relational Mapping Domain Driven Design methods vs Relational Data Model.

Use Custom Generic Collections Rather Than Generic Lists in Public API – Keyvan Nayyeri talks good sense about not using Generic Lists as part of a public API

jQuery Intellisense in Visual Studio – One of the fixes in the VS2008 rollup allows for intellisense for jQuery (pre hotfix it couldn’t parse jQuery), and Rick Strahl talks in length about this, and Javascript intellisense in general

Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 Training Kit – A pointer to a free Microsoft Training Kit for VS2008 and .NET 3.5 which was released back in November

Hang caused by GC – XML Deadlock – An interesting analysis of a particular (now hotfixed) problem with the Garbage Collection – if huge stack traces scare you, this one isn’t for you

Pimp my ASP.NET web application – Part One – Phil Winstanley talks about the many facets of making your ASP.NET applications perform, and also about the dangers of premature optimisation.