Well, I’ve managed to complete a full January of posting the Morning Brew – I think putting it together is getting easier, however I’m concerned that I keep posting links to very similar articles (lots of beginning WPF type articles recently). I’m wondering if I need to be more selective about what I post here – but that would have the effect of reducing the number of items. As always your feedback on this or any other topic is very welcome. On to the links…


7zSharp – Release: 1.0.3 – V1.0.3 release of this LGPL wrapper for reading and writing 7z formate archives (Along with zip, gz, bzip2, tar, and w whole host of others in a read only way)


Versioning Databases – The Baseline – Following on from his last post, K. Scott Allen talks a little about database versioning

Microsoft Ajax Library Book Published – Brad Abrams gives a breif review of a new book on the Microsoft AJAX Library – I’ve spotted a few books on Javascript related technologies from Packt Publishing recently

Quiz – C# and .NET Secrets – Ten interesting questions with detailed answers – might make good interview questions

WPF 3D Primer – Using some 3D techniques in WPF

Test Data Builders: an alternative to the Object Mother pattern – Applying the Bulder pattern in place of Object Mother for testing

Expression Tree Basics – Charlie Calvert gives an interesting overview of Expression Trees within LINQ

The Vocabulary of Software Releases – David Starr rounds up a collection of software release jargon and gives his interpretation of what each name actually means.

Does your team have a Production Architect? – Paul Stovell discusses a role responsible for the continued running of your application