

  • Deploying ASP.NET Core RC1 to Azure App Services – Shawn Wildermuth takes a look at deploying of ASP.NET Core applications onto Azure App Services, drawing on his experiences rebuilding his own personal blog.
  • Request.IsLocal in ASP.NET Core – Filip W takes a look at reimplementing ‘Request.IsLocal’ in ASP.NET Core, looking at the difference in model between the old and new ASP.NET and how that impacts the implementation.
  • I want to handover MyCouch – Daniel Wertheim is looking to hand on the maintenance of MyCouch, an async driver for .NET interfacing with CouchDB and the Cloudant service.
  • Versioning Software Builds Based on Git Tags and Semantic Versioning (SemVer) – Tugberk Ugurlu discusses version numbering using SemVer, and looks at its implementation in his CI environment
  • Setting up ASP.NET Core debugging in VS Code – Shayne Boyer discusses the Debugging support in ASP.NET Core RC2 which was demonstrated in last week’s ASP.NET Community Standup
  • Zero Downtime – Gabriel Schenker continues his series looking at implementing a Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery pipeline, discussing in this part the aim of having zero downtime, and exploring what that means for different types of application
  • Trees of Promises in ES6 – Dr. Axel Rauschmayer continues digging deeper into promises in ECMAScript 6 with a look at listing directories recursively and how that leads to a tree of promises.