The Morning Brew #2033
Posted by Chris Alcock on Wednesday 17th February 2016 at 09:30 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Are private members a part of the API surface? – Jared Parsons discusses the concept of Reference and implementation assemblies, and takes a look at some of the things that can go wrong when you strip out the private parts of implementations.
- Is Programming Art? – Eirk Dietrich answers a reader question on whether programming can be considered to be an art rather than a science
- JavaScript-mancy Vlog: Learn About JavaScript Function Scoping, Hoisting and How to Win With Let And Const – Jaime González García shares another video instalment in his JavaScript post series looking at some of the arcane and weirder parts of the language including function scoping and hoisting.
- Storyteller, Continuous Integration, and the Art of Failing Fast | The Shade Tree Developer – Jeremy D Miller discusses the use of Storyteller as part of continuous integration and how he focused on making sure it failed fast rather than ran large volumes of failing tests against a broken build
- Payloads as dynamic Objects in ASP.NET MVC – Ricardo Peres takes a look at extending ASP.NET MVC to allow controllers action methods to take dynamic parameters – not sure its something that I would recommend in production code but it does illustrate useful extensibility
- A Way Forward for Windows Phones – Paul Thurrott shares thoughts on the future for the Windows Phone platform
- Playing with key generators, redux – Ayende follows on from his previous post about generating and consuming license keys for software components, looking at generating smaller more efficient licenses.
- Back In Time with Windows IoT – K. Scott Allen takes a look at the world of the Raspberry PI and running Windows 10 IoT on the device
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