The Morning Brew #1995
Posted by Chris Alcock on Tuesday 22nd December 2015 at 09:57 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Enters ReSharper Ultimate 10.0.2 – Jura Gorohovsky
- JIT optimization: static readonly to const – Alexandr Nikitin
- Windows, UI and Composition (the Visual Layer) & Name Decorations, Exported Functions, PInvoke Signatures – Mike Taulty’s
- Visual Studio Code – NEW FEATURES: 4 Editor Improvements (Find/Replace, Cursor Blinking, Select Current Line, & Scroll Viewport) – Ed Price
- Visual Studio Code: Debugger for Chrome extension – Sergiy Baydachnyy
- A small jQuery Resizable Plug-in – Rick Strahl
- Securing ASP.NET Web API using Token Based Authentication and using it in Angular.js application – Mahesh Sabnis
- Continuous Testing – A practical guide with concepts and approaches – Willy-P. Schaub
- Introduction of Protractor for AngularJS Application – Muhammad Hassan Tariq
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