The Morning Brew #1730
Posted by Chris Alcock on Wednesday 5th November 2014 at 09:32 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Brackets 1.0 and Extract for Brackets (Preview) Now Available – The Brackets team announce the V1.0 release of their text editor designed for web design and development, with a number of neat features which help with the most frontend aspects of web projects, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- RyuJIT CTP5: Getting closer to shipping, and with better SIMD support – Thomas Lai gives an update on the RyuJIT CTP with details of the work they have been undertaking recently, as well as a look at the results that the Bing team have encountered using it in.
- ASP.NET MVC 6 on Azure Websites – Gunnar Peipman continues his series looking at the use of ASP.NET vNext and ASP.NET MVC 6 with a look at hosting MVC 6 code on the Microsoft Azure Websites platform now
- Find Debug Assemblies using Glimpse – Steve Smith shares a useful tip about a feature in Glimpse which allows you to easily identify which assemblies are built in which mode in your ASP.NET application
- Part 2: Azure Mobile Services: What you need to know to get started with Storage Services – Adarsha Datta continues a series looking at Azure Mobile Services, and in this post gives a walk through of the use of the Storage Services.
- Design Principals in Practice: Source Code Formatting – Jason Roberts discusses how code formatting can actually give some hint at the design of your software, looking at a couple of cases where the formatting can imply additional meaning.
- Where in the Application Should Data Validation be Done? – William Sisson discusses where in the application you should site your validation code exploring some of the issues surrounding these decisions
- Web API Thoughts 1 of 3 – Data Streaming, Web API Thoughts 2 of 3 – Working with HTTPS & Web API Thoughts 3 of 3 – Extending Web API Documentation – Wonde Tadesse shares three different thought pieces exploring the implementation of various different features on top of the WebAPI platform.
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