The Morning Brew #1722
Posted by Chris Alcock on Friday 24th October 2014 at 08:28 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- ASP.NET Identity 2.2.0-alpha1 – Pranav Rastogi announces a preview release (at the alpha level) of the next version of the ASP.NET Identity Framework, a release which is dealing with bugs and performance issues primarily.
- Violating the "smart enum" pattern in C# – Jon Skeet takes a look at a nice pattern, and explores some of the nastier aspects of the language, and holes in the language specification
- Producing combinations, part four – Eric Lippert continues his series on combinations of values with a look at compressing the data storage of his solution to fit the data into things like the int structure
- Package Manifests – Jeff Handley discusses proposed improvements to NuGet Packages handling of arbitrary artefacts through the package manifest
- Dependency Injection or Inversion? – Erik Dietrich discusses the difficulty in naming things, and looks at two different terms which are often interchanged and mixed
- CRUD Operations using ASP.NET Web API and Angular.js – Mahesh Sabnis looks at creating a simple Create Read Update Delete based application using AngularJS backing on to ASP.NET WebAPI services.
- The history of JavaScript, as told by Douglas Crockford – Dave Voyles highlights a nice talk from Douglas Crockford on the history of JavaScript filmed at Mix2010
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