The Morning Brew #1578
Posted by Chris Alcock on Friday 28th March 2014 at 09:19 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Auto Selecting Cultures for Localization in ASP.NET – Rick Strahl takes a look at how you can go about setting the initial culture for users in ASP.NET to ensure that your applications send content in the correct language and cultural context.
- Don’t Make JavaScript Equality Look Worse Than It Is – Craig Gidney discusses the debate over the equalaity == operator in JavaScript, looking at how it gets a slightly worse than deserved reputation from the way people report its behaviour
- My New Free C# Tips eBook – Jason Roberts shares the first instalment of his latest LeanPub eBook containing C# tips – available for free, or any amount you consider it to be worth, with plenty more content to be added in the future
- Future Direction of WCF Data Services – Michael Pizzo of the OData Team sets out the future plans for the WCF Data Services
- Some Useful IIS Rewrite Rules – K.Scott Allen shares some useful rules for IIS URL Rewriting, along with some pointers to other useful resources
- Azure Traffic Manager can now integrate with Azure Web sites! – Jim Cheshire discusses the use of the Windows Azure Traffic Manager, and how it can be used with Windows Azure Websites sites
- Git for Team Foundation Developers – Branches – Kirk Evans shares the second part of a series exploring the use of Git, aiming to give sufficient understanding to allow users to use Git with Visual Studio online. This part explores Branching
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