The Morning Brew #1577
Posted by Chris Alcock on Thursday 27th March 2014 at 09:27 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Speaking JavaScript – Dr Axel Rauschmayer’s latest book, ‘Speaking JavaScript’ is available entirely on line, combining a mix of language and reference, along with historical context this looks like an interesting read. Print editions are also available from O’Reilly.
- JavaScript Frameworks | How to Learn Them Quickly – Craig McKeachie looks at various JavaScript MV* frameworks, decomposing them into the key features of such frameworks to make learning about them easier.
- Tips For JavaScript Promises – K. Scott Allen shares some advice for structuring your JavaScript code using Promises.
- Back to Basics: When allowing user uploads, don’t allow uploads to execute code – Scott Hanselman discusses an important security consideration when allowing user supplied content – don’t trust it ever, and don’t whatever you do allow it to run on your server.
- Get rid of deep null checks – Jakub Niemyjski discusses how extension methods can dramatically improve the readability of code when dealing with nested null checking
- Reordering optimizations – Eric Lippert follows on from his previous ‘Ask the Bug Guys’ article on how locks prevent optimisations with a look at when omitting locks leads to surprising results.
- F#11 : Sequences – Sacha Barber continues his series looking at the F# Language with an exploration of the concept and use of Sequences.
- Git for Team Foundation Developers – Kirk Evans shares a useful summary of Git Version control, providing you with enough information to get up and running with Giit on Visual Studio Online.
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