The Morning Brew #1442
Posted by Chris Alcock on Monday 16th September 2013 at 08:16 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Adding high performance Windows Azure Cache Service to your ASP.NET Web API – Filip W takes a look at combining the newly released high performance Windows Azure Cache Service with ASP.NET WebAPI, plugging it into his existing Caching abstraction layer Strathweb.CacheOutput.
- GestSpace : A case for Rx Framework and Leap Motion – Nicolas Dorier shares a look at a real-world application of the Reactive Framework for processing high frequency events in the form of an event stream from the LeapMotion device
- 30 Days of TDD: Day Three – Your First Test – James Bender continues his series looking at Test Driven Development with a look at getting set up to write your first test, and the Arrange Act Assert pattern.
- Hadoop for .NET Developers: Unit-Testing with the .NET SDK – & Troubleshooting with the MapReduce Job Logs – Bryan C Smith continues with his series exploring working with Hadoop from C# on the Azure platform with a look at testing your map reduce jobs and trouble shooting them.
- Shufflin’ Ain’t Sortin’ – Patrick Lioi talks about the new random test order feature in Fixie and discusses how much of the conventional wisdom about random sorts is actually wrong, illustrating with an example.
- Optimize your pull-request – Ian Battersby discusses recent activity on Simple.web and shares his advice on managing and making good community contributions by way of pull requests.
- Deadlocks, avoidance and detection – Fredrik Bornander takes a look at the delicate situation of deadlocks, and how to detect and avoid them with a look at the the problems illustrated with the Dining Philosophers example.
- OData v4.0 approved as Committee Specification by the OASIS Open Data Protocol Technical Committee – The Interoperability @ Microsoft blog highlights the news that the OData 4.0 specification has been accepted by the OASIS Data Protocol Technical Committee
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