
  • ReSharper 8.0.1 is Available & dotCover 2.5 Released: Hot Spots and ReSharper 8 Integration – JetBrains announce the release of ReSharper 8.0.1 and dotCover 2.5. The ReSharper release is a bugfix release including over 130 fixes across a range of areas of the product. The dotCover release is a significant one, and brings dotCover integration with ReSharper 8 and Hot Spot view which shows methods considered to be more risky in your code.


  • 5 Days of Simple.Web: OWIN middleware – Ian Battersby round out his 5 day series on Simple.Web with a look at OWIN Middleware which builds on the significant changes in the latest release of Simple.Web to provide a logical and powerful way to extend the request pipeline.
  • TellDontAsk – Martin Fowler discusses the Tell Don’t Ask principle which aims to help keep data with the functions which operate that data, looking at its use and also discussing some of the side effects of following the principle.
  • Using Forms Authentication in ASP.NET Web API – Bipin Joshi takes a look at using the ASP.NET Forms authentication from WebForms and ASP.NET MVC within an ASP.NET Web API application
  • Stupid Question 237: Python in Visual Studio, really? – Iris Classon takes a look at the Python support in Visual Studio, and shares some really good resources for getting going with both the Python language and the Visual Studio Python environment.


  • You are cordially invited to hack me first (and get free stuff!) – Troy Hunt is running a PluralSight pass give away for people who can find the (deliberate) vulnerabilities in a site he created to accompany his PluralSight course
  • My RavenDB’s Story Contest – Ayende is also running a give away for the first 50 stories about real world RavenDB usage – those who contribute will receive a RavenDB care package which includes a RavenDB t-shrit and laptop sticker.