

  • The Git Command Line 101 for Windows Users – Kristofer Liljeblad shares a really nice introductory guide to the use of Git on Windows, looking at getting it installed (using the very cool Chocolatey), and explores some of the common queries and questions of its use.
  • Modular Javascript Using Require.Js – Sacha Barber takes a look at the use of Require.js to create modular JavaScript code, looking at the motivation for the use of Require and exploring its use via an example in this CodeProject article
  • Visual Studio 2013 Heap View – Sasha Goldshtein continues exploring some of the new debugging features of Visual Studio 2013 taking a look at the heap viewer, showing how it can be used to debug memory related issues in your applications.
  • Manage CORS policy dynamically – Xueyuan Dai takes a look at how you can control the Cross Origin Request Sharing (CORS) policy in your ASP.NET Web API projects with soring the allowed hosts in either a configuration file or database.
  • Windows Azure autoscaling now built-in – Grigori Melnik discusses the new Windows Azure AutoScaling features released last week, and compares the features of the built in offering to those offered by Wasabi
  • Troubleshooting and Fixing Session Cookie Problems in IE11 – Chris Jackson highlights potential problems with Session Cookies in ASP.NET Applications when visited using Internet Explorer 11
  • Rock Solid Quality – Paulo Zemek shares thoughts on creating quality in your code by having components be ‘Rock Solid Quality’, bu adopting encapsulation, immutability and a number of other approaches to help eradicate the places where bugs lurk.


  • 25 Secrets for Faster ASP.NET: the Eagle has landed!
    – Michaela Murray highlights the availability of the latest e-Book from Red Gate containing 25 community sourced tips and tricks for faster ASP.NET Applications. The e-book is a free download (though you will have to give your email) and is well worth checking out. Michaela also announces the winner of the competition for best tip in this post.