

  • scriptcs gets a REPL! – Glenn Block announces the release of a REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop) for ScriptCS which gives an interactive ScriptCS experience affording easy experimentation and many other powerful scenarios.
  • .NET Security Part 2 – Simon Cooper continues his series looking at Security in .NET with a look at creating appdomains with different trust levels giving sandboxes for code to play in without exposing the whole application to it.
  • 10 Years (of the CSS Zen Garden) – Dave Shea announces a refresh of the CSS Zen Garden, now 10 years old, and opens up to submissions using the best of CSS3 and Responsive Design. The original Zen Garden was a great resource in in early days of selling people on the concept of CSS based layouts, and I hope the new Zen Garden reaches these heights.
  • .NET Crash Dump and Live Process Inspection – Lee Culver shares a look at a new managed library from the .NET Runtime Team which allows you to automate debugging inspection and capture more information about your crashes. The library, Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime or ClrMD) provides a code interface to working with a processes state, and is certainly something I’ll be having a play with in the future.
  • Handling IE 9 & 10’s and Chrome’s clear button with Knockout binding
    – Kevin Logan takes a look at an interesting problem when working with Knockout.js in modern browsers which have additional functionality in the input text box
  • An Editor Pattern for Knckout.js Using TypeScript Inheritance – Steve Michelotti shares a look at an editor pattern for Knockout based code which provides for the accept / cancel of user changes


  • Free Visual Studio Lifecycle Tools Events – Mike Taulty highlights the latest series of events from the team at Microsoft UK, which will be taking a look at the Application Lifecycle Management features of Visual Studio / TFS in Cardiff, Nottingham, Reading, London and Glasgow during May and June