

  • Mocking with Foq – Phil Trelford gives an introduction to Foq, a simple mocking framework for F# which can be consumed by other CLR languages to whcih can be included in your projects as a NuGet Package or just a single file include in your project.
  • Getting to Know CSS3 Selectors, Part 1: Structural Pseudo-Classes – Emily Lewis kicks off a series of posts looking at the new CSS3 selectors which allow you to write simpler more efficient CSS for both browsers and applications.
  • Pulse in HTML5 on Internet Explorer 10 – a modern app for the modern web! – Another article from the HTML5 Partners over at CodeProject takes a look at building responsive designs, focusing on Internet Explorer, but with techniques which apply across all modern browsers
  • HTML input types – Continuing with a modern HTML theme, Scott Dorman takes a look at the behaviour of the HTML5 input box type support, and how it changes the input types available on virtual keyboards on IE10 / Window 8
  • Functional Programming In A Nutshell – A slightly older article than I usual include here, from Luis Aguilar, which takes a nice introductory look at the concepts and practices in Functional Programming, illustrating the concepts with concrete examples.
  • Simple golden rules for async / await – Nigel Sampson shares some simple best practices for working with async / await in your code base.


  • NxtGenUG – Event: Windows Phone 8 + Windows 8 – Andy Wigley joins the Birmingham NxtGenUG for a session on Tuesday 19th February whcih will take a look at building applications for Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8, looking at how the similarities between the platforms helps make efficient development possible.