Really looking forward to this weekend at the DDD North 2 Community Conference. I’m there delivering my session on Web Sockets and SignalR, and generally being spoiled for choice with the vast array of other excellent sessions. If you see me there please come and say hello.


  • Web Essentials 1.4 released – Mads Kristensen announces the release of Web Essentials 1.4, the latest version of his Visual Studio Extension which adds further support for modern web development to the Visual Studio IDE. This release includes automatic CSS Schema File updates, enhanced support for Modernizr classes in the CSS editor, in IDE minification, CSS and LESS document outline view, enhanced intellisense (including settings to limit to W3C standards only) and much more.
  • We did it! Office 2013 RTMs today! – Jerry Nixon highlights the news that Office 2013 has now RTM’d, with enterprise and WinRT device users getting it by the end of the month, and general availability next year



  • Black Marble Events – A Windows Azure Update – The fine folk over at Black Marble are running another of their half day technology briefings on Wednesday 14 November which will be looking at recent developments on the Windows Azure Platform.
  • Event: Tech.Days Online in the UK: 30/31 October ˜’12 – Planky highlights the online complement to the IT Pro TechDays events taking place at the end of this month, with content from both days (30/31 October) running online as well.
  • Shropshire Dev Net | 7th November – Chris Alcock – Web Sockets and SignalR – On the 7th November I will be taking a trip down to the Shropshire Dev Net usergroup in Telford where I will be delivering my session on Web Sockets and Signal R (possibly for the last time). This is practically the same session that I have delivered at the UK community conferences this year (including DDD North 2 tomorrow), and provides a ‘last chance to see’. I look forward to seeing some of you there.
  • DDD North 2 Windows Phone 7 Agenda application – Gary Ewan Park highlights the availability of an agenda application for the DDD North 2 conference for Windows Phone 7. The conference takes place tomorrow, and the app has not yet been approved in the market place, but Gary provides the details of how you can still side load the application onto your developer device.
  • Next F#unctional Londoners Meetup – F# on the GPU with Alea.CUDA, Thursday, October 18, 2012 – Don Syme highlights the next F#unctional Londoners event taking place on Thursday 18th October where Dr Daniel Egloff will be taking a look at running F# code on the GPU using Alea.CUDA.