Just discovered that today’s edition hadn’t published successfully – must have closed my laptop lid too quickly 🙁


  • jQuery 1.8 Released – The jQuery Team announce the official release of jQuery 1.8. This release adds significantly to jQuery, including significant re-work of the Sizzle selector engine, animations, the auto application of CSS vendor prefixes and much more.
  • Prototype JavaScript framework: Prototype 1.7.1 – After 18 months of work, the Prototype team have released Prototype 1.7.1. This release has re-worked the DOM library, along with making the library ECMAScript 5 compatible.
  • Download: Unity 2.1 for Silverlight – Microsoft release a minor service release of their Unity Dependency Injection Container for both .NET and Silverlight.
  • ReSharper 7.0 Plug-ins – Matt Ellis highlights the vibrant plug-in ecosystem surrounding ReSharper, looking at the impressive array of plugins which have already updated to support ReSharper 7.
  • FaultTrack is a new kind of bug tracker for .NET developers. by DCOM Productions – DCOM Productions are looking to gain funding for a rather interesting looking take on BugTracking, Metro and Visual Studio styled and Visual Studio integrated bug tracker with integration to the debugger and support for all CLR compliant languages.



  • "Unplugged" LIDNUG online talk with me on Friday (August 10th) – Scott Guthrie is pulling up the metaphoric bar stool for another of his Unplugged events hosted by the Linked In .NET Usergroup. The session runs from 2-3:30pm Paciific for open questions and answers, and the audio recording will be available after the event.