The Morning Brew #1160
Posted by Chris Alcock on Friday 3rd August 2012 at 08:42 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- xunitcontrib-resharper 0.6.1 – mostly bug fixes – Matt Ellis announces the 0.6.1 release of this extension to ReSharper which allows you to run your xunit tests from the test runner in the IDE. This release brings official ReSharper 7.0 support, as well as addressing a number of reported issues.
- Unity 2.1 – August 2012 update – Grigori Melnik highlights the August update to Unity (2.1.505.2) which addresses 4 issues, including thread safety, and improved debugging experiences.
- Attack Surface Analyzer 1.0 Released – The Security Development Lifecycle – Site Home – MSDN Blogs – The Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle team announce the release of Attack Surface Analyzer 1.0 a tool which is an improved version of the beta released last year which aims to help developers and IT Pros think about controlling the attack surface of Windows based software and systems.
- MSDN Magazine – August – The August 2012 edition of MSDN Magazine is now available online, with articles looking at functional style programming in C++, PowerShell, HTML5, .NET development on ARM, and much more.
- Microsoft advises developers to stop using ‘Metro’ name in apps following possible trademark dispute – The Verge highlights some interesting news about the possibility of a trademark dispute over the term ‘Metro’, which could result in name we’ve become familiar being dropped.
- Help Us Test CDN for – The NuGet team are looking for people to help out in testing their Azure CDN based delivery of packages, looking to gain structured feedback from those willing to give it a try.
- How Nuget could improve – Paul Stack discusses some of the areas he feels could be improved in NuGet and the package management practices of those submitting packages.
- Greenfield Development with ASP.NET MVC & S#arp Lite – Introduction – Billy McCafferty kicks off a new series of posts looking at the development of a new application from idea to designed . The series will be broken down into 7 ‘days’ covering all the key areas of system design on this architecture.
- Anatomy of apps for Office – Apps for Office and SharePoint Blog – Site Home – MSDN Blogs – Rolando Jimenez shares a look at the structure of apps for Office, the technique for extending office applications into the cloud.
- Six years of WPF; what’s changed? – Paul Stovell discusses his experiences with WPF over the past 6 years, looking at how the platform and XAML language has been refined although not as much as other areas such as the web platforms from Microsoft
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