The Morning Brew #1099
Posted by Chris Alcock on Friday 4th May 2012 at 08:41 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
Monday is a Bank Holiday here in the UK, so inkeeping with Morning Brew tradition there will be no edition on Monday, with normal service resuming on Tuesday – Enjoy the long weekend.
- C#/.NET Little Wonders: The Enumerable.Repeat() Static Method – James Michael Hare continues his Little Wonders series looking at less well known parts of the .NET Framework and C# language. This part takes a look at the Enumerable.Repeat method to take single values and turn them into sequences.
- .Net Implementation of a Priority Queue (aka Heap) – Carl Nolan looks into implementing a priority queue data structure using a heap, sharing his implementation, and comparing it to types available in the .NET framework.
- Subterranean IL: The ThreadLocal type – Simon Cooper continues his Subterranean IL series looking at the internal implementation of certain types in the .NET Framework, exploring the ThreadLocal type in this part.
- Help! How Do I Detect When a Client Thread Exits? – Mike Hadlow is also making use of ThreadLocal and is looking at how he can clean up these resources when the thread ends. Be sure to check out the linked StackOverflow question in the comments for further discussion.
- Less Than Dot – Blog – Simple.Data and complex types: many to one – Christiaan Baes presses on with his series looking at the use of the Simple.Data MicroORM for working with data from VB.NET, digging into the Many to One relationship.
- Unit Test a project having external dependency(WCF Proxy) using Fakes & Visual Studio 11 Beta – Atul Verma works through using the new Visual Studio 11 Beta Fakes functionality to create unit tests for a project which takes an external dependency on a WCF Proxy.
- From Code-Behind to MVVM, a three part series… – Greg Duncan highlights a nice series of posts over on CodeProject from Shenwei Liu looking at how you can take your development of WPF and Silverlight applications to the next level by making the jump from Code-Behind to MVVM
- Coding guidelines for HTML and CSS – Jens O. Meiert shares Google’s latest public coding style guide for HTML and CSS, a useful and lightweight style guide for these often forgotten about types of ‘code’
- HTML5 Development For ASP.NET Developers – Burke Holland introduces a new series of posts and videos looking at development using HTML5 for ASP.NET based developers, with the first part being posted up today (giving you something to enjoy over the long weekend)
- WPUG presents WPBarCamp – The London based Windows Phone User Group are running a 6 hour all day Saturday Bar camp event on Saturday 19h May, aimed at the more experienced Windows Phone Application Developer. The event is running using the bar camp style, where attendees are encouraged to present, and the agenda will be decided on the day by the participants.
- Skills Matter : In The Brain of Phil Trelford: F# for Commodities Trading – Phil Trelford will be presenting an ‘in the brain of’ session at Skillsmatter on Monday 14th May, looking at the use fo F# in finance.
- NxtGenUG – Event: EF5 Preview – New Features – The NxtGenUG in Hereford welcome Geoff Lombardi for a session on the new features included in Entity Framework 5, in a session aimed at those who have previously used EF which will explore Enum Support, Code First Migrations, Spatial Data Types, and table valued functions.
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