
  • NCrunch 1.37b Released! – Remco Mulder announces the release of NCrunch 1.37b, containing a raft of fixes for reported issues, along with some interesting new features regarding debugging, performance metrics, code coverage, keyboard shortcuts and much more.
  • Fluqi – Ease using jQuery UI with ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC – Fluqi is an interesting library which straddles the server and client, providing APIs for applying jQuery UI widgets to your application in a fluent manner. The library is open source, and hosted over on GitHub
  • NuGet Project Uncovered: Burro – Jason Jarrett is continuing his series of posts looking at some of the hidden gems of the NuGet packages feed. Today’s post looks at Burro, a project to parse build output. Be sure to check back through Jason’s posts for the rest of his hidden gems.
  • Rename Visual Studio Window Title extension for Visual Studio 2010 – The ‘Visual Studio add-ins, extensions and tools’ blog highlights a useful looking Visual Studio Extension for anyone who, like me, often has more than one copy of a project open in different Visual Studio Instances – this extension adds more path information to the window title allowing you to beterr distinguish between IDE instances.
