
  • Announcing jQuery Mobile 1.0 – The team behind jQuery Mobile announce the official Version 1.0 release of the project. This release targets jQuery 1.6.4, and brings a high quality mobile user interface to your web applications with most mobile browsers at A-Grade support level. The team have focused on performance since the RC3 release, bringing about some quite significant improvements
  • Chutzpah – Chutzpah 1.3.0 Released – Matthew Manela – Farblondzshet in Code – Matthew Manela announces the release of Chutzpah 1.3.0, bring support for Jasmine tests, and test timeouts to this JavaScript Test Runner for Visual Studio. This release also contains some bug fixes addressing known issues.
  • Getting closer – Castle Windsor 3 RC 1 – Krzysztof Kozmic announces the slightly delayed Castle Windsor 3 Release Candidate 1 release. The release is available as NuGet Packages and will be available on the website as a binary download shortly. This release includes new features to have specific properties ignored / required in the registration API.


  • Why IL? – Eric Lippert discusses the role of the Intermediate Language versus Low-Level Virtual Machines in terms of the implementation of Roslyn
  • Roslyn CTP – A Walk Through The Syntax Tree – Part I & Part II – Sankarsan takes a look at the Roslyn CTP release, exploring the compiler API and exploring the use of syntax trees to allow you to explore code programmatically, looking at an example to show how you can use it for code analysis by looking for uses of singletons in your code.
  • When should you use NHibernate? – Ayende sparks some debate about the use of ORM and specifically NHibernate with a short post on the subject.
  • When to use NHibernate – Jimmy Bogard follows up the discussion sharing his view point and the persistence technology he is looking to use in difference scenarios.
  • I Just Don’t Like Object Mappers – Karl Seguin also discusses the use of Object Relational Mappers, and Data Mappers and how he has a growing dislike of them.
  • To ORM or Not to ORM. That is the question… – Patrick Liekhus discusses the question of ORM use, and looks at some of the features in some of the common choices in this area.
  • Introduction To Composite JavaScript Apps & Is There An Idiomatic Command Pattern Implementation For JavaScript? – Derick Bailey discusses the concepts behind building composite applications in JavaScript using the module pattern and an event driven architecture. Derick also discusses the command pattern calling on the community to suggest a good implementation. Comments on both of these are well worth reading too.
  • 31 Days of Mango | Day #19: Tilt Effects, Day #20: Creating Ringtones & Day #21: Sockets – Jeff Blankenburg’s 31 days of Mango series continues with three guest posts, the first from Doug Mair looking at working with tilt effects, Jerrel Blankenship on creating custom ring tones, and Parag Joshi on the use of sockets in your applications.
  • Mango Sample: Detect Theme – Jerry Nixon is also pressing on with his series of posts on Mango with a look at detecting the theme of device on which your application is running and having your application respond correspondingly.