
  • Project2NuGet – Greg Duncan highlights a nice Visual Studio Extension and console application whick aims to make it simple to package up your project into a NuGet Library. Drawing upon his experiences on a previous project (NuGet Package Wizard), Denis Knaack has focused his efforts on making it easy to perform repeat builds of packages. Looks well worth checking out.
  • SQL Server 2012 Edition and Licensing Revamp Round-up – Greg Duncan also highlights the announcement of details of the SQL Server 2012 Editions and Licensing, providing links to the official sources, as well as some of the community responses.
  • WhatsNew – Mercurial 2.0 (2011-11-01) – As part of their regular Monthly Release plan, the Mercurial team have released Mercurial 2.0.0. This release sees some major changes in the form of new features along with significant changes to the core and extensions. As yet there is no update to the Windows based TortoiseHG, although I suspect that will follow shortly.


  • C#/.NET Little Wonders: The Generic Action Delegates – James Michael Hare presses on with his C# / .NET Little Wonders series of posts with a look at Delegates and specifically the Generic Action Delegates, and how contra-variance introduced in .NET 4 further extends their capabilities.
  • Concurrency Visualizer SDK: Advanced Visualization Techniques – James Rapp look at how you can extend the visualisation capabilities of the Concurrency Visualizer using the SDK, looking at adding custom markers, spans, flags and categories to give you a deeper understanding of what and when you parallel code is doing things.
  • Debugging Tools for the .NET Developer – Peter Vogel gives an overview of the various debugging tools available for .NET Developers, both inside and outside of those in Visual Studio in this Visual Studio Magazine article.
  • Overriding part registration conventions with the MEF attributes – Nick, of the BCL Team, gives an overview of the convention driven programming model being introduced in the current preview version of the Managed Extensibility Framework, which is looking at removing the repetitive use of attributes, and providing means of overriding the default behaviour.
  • Using the Roslyn Syntax API – Kevin Pilch-Bisson kicks off a series of posts looking at the various parts that make up the Roslyn API’s available in the current CTP release, giving a brief overview of that capabilities of Roslyn in this first post in the series.
  • Track Changes and Advance Scroll Mode in Visual Studio 2010 – Christian D. Yellington gives an overview of the extensions to the Visual Studio Scroll bar made available in the Productivity Power Tools Extension. These extensions allow you to see which parts of the file you have changed, and see a visual map of the code in your file, including scroll previews.
  • AJAX based CRUD tables using ASP.NET MVC 3 and jTable jQuery plug-in – Halil ibrahim Kalkan gives a detailed walkthrough building a Create-Read-Update–Delete application using the jQuery jTable plugin and ASP.NET MVC
  • 3 Ways to test your website in old versions of IE – Martin Beeby highlights the three different ways you can test your website / web application using older versions of Internet Explorer, discussing the developer tools in your current version, Expression Super Preview, and using the Application Compatibility Virtual PC Images.
  • 31 Days of Mango – Day #3: Alarms and Reminders & Day #4: Compass – Jeff Blankenburg continues his 31 days of Mango series with a look at the use of alarms and reminders, and how to utilise them in your applications, as well as exploring the use of the Windows Phone Compass, one of the sensors available inside every Windows Phone device.


  • The Stack – Liverpool .Net User Group – December 2011 – The Liverpool based Stack User Group will be gathering on Monday 12th December for a Christmas Social Meeting where you will be able to mix and get to know you fellow user group attendees.
  • | HTML5 Web Camp Videos – J. Michael Palermo highlights the availability of a series of videos taken at the HTML5 Web Camp with sessions on HTML5, some of the significant features (SVG, Audio, Video, Canvas) and tips on building HTML 5 solutions with JavaScript.