In case you missed it, and would like a taste of the Link Overload I suffered last week, I published an extra-ordinary (and rather late) ‘Afternoon Tea’post yesterday catching up on all the bits of //Build I had missed out so far, and also sharing a number of great (non-build related) links that got caught in the rush last week.a




  • Belfast – 1 Oct 2011 – Register – Registrations for the Developer Developer Developer conference to be held on Saturday 1st October in Belfast are now open. The conference is free to attend, and features 3 tracks of interesting .NET developer related content.
  • NNUG Online – September 2011 – The Norwegian .NET Usergroup have their September Live Meeting event on Wednesday 21st September, starting at 18:00 local time (17:00 UK). This month’s event features Einar Ingebrigtsen discussing Command Query Responsibility Segregation
  • Black Marble Events- Re-Build – Dev – Black Marble are hosting an afternoon developer focused event on Wednesday 12th October where they will be re-capping all the key announcements and information released at the //Build/ Conference. There is also an IT pro session being hosted that morning.