The Morning Brew #941
Posted by Chris Alcock on Tuesday 20th September 2011 at 07:44 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
In case you missed it, and would like a taste of the Link Overload I suffered last week, I published an extra-ordinary (and rather late) ‘Afternoon Tea’post yesterday catching up on all the bits of //Build I had missed out so far, and also sharing a number of great (non-build related) links that got caught in the rush last week.a
- PowerShell Version 3 Released for Windows 7 – CTP #1 – Doug Finke highlights the release of the first CTP of PowerShell 3 for Windows 7. This brings the same PowerShell that was included in the Windows 8 Preview to your existing Windows 7 machines.
- Windows Management Framework 3.0 Community Technology Preview (CTP) #1 Available for Download – The PowerShell 3 CTP is available as a part of the Windows Management Framework 3.0 CTP, which combines PowerShell with new versions of WMI, WinRM and PowerShell Web Services.
- Inheritance and Representation – Eric Lippert explores the deeper meanings of inheritance by way of a reader question on generics
- Dependency Management in .Net: Using NuGet without Visual Studio – Derek Greer discusses how NuGet answers a number of his previously discussed dependency management problems, discussing its use from the command line, and looking at combining it with the Rake build tool.
- Why Can’t We Be Friends? Art and Function in Windows Phone Apps – Paul Laberge discusses some of the User Interface considerations you should think about when designing your Windows Phone applications
- The New Team Explorer in TFS 11 – Brian Harry takes an in-depth look at what is new in the Visual Studio 11 Team Explorer exploring its use in a number of common usage scenarios, illustrating the new features of the tooling.
- Want to know more about Becoming Agile, F# or WCF? Head to the MSDN Library… – Sara Allison highlights the availability of 2 free online copies of published books on MSDN and a series of articles , covering Agile practices, F# and Windows Communication Foundation.
- Looking Back at BUILD – Roland Weigelt reflects back on the //Build conference, discussing all aspects of the conference and sharing the key points he took away.
- Windows 8 and the up and coming Hardware Revolution – Keith Elder shares his thoughts and experiences with the Windows 8 Developer Preview, discussing the key features of the OS, the factors which will make or break it, and discussing the hardware upon which its would ideally run.
- My List of Must-See Build 2011 Videos – Pete Brown shares his key collection of sessions from the //Build/ Conference as links to the (excellent quality) video recordings of the sessions, so you can get the best conference experience without being there
- Windows Azure and Cloud Session Content from the //BUILD/ Windows Conference 2011 – Roger Jennings has collected together a page with all the sessions which discussed Windows Azure topics for those of you with Azure as a focus or just keen to learn (a lot) more.
- XAMLFinance – A Cross-platform WPF, Silverlight & WP7 Application – Colin Eberhardt shares a long and detailed article discussing the building of an application across 3 platforms (WPF, Silverlight and Windows Phone) making the most re-use of parts of the application over the multiple platform versions.
- Belfast – 1 Oct 2011 – Register – Registrations for the Developer Developer Developer conference to be held on Saturday 1st October in Belfast are now open. The conference is free to attend, and features 3 tracks of interesting .NET developer related content.
- NNUG Online – September 2011 – The Norwegian .NET Usergroup have their September Live Meeting event on Wednesday 21st September, starting at 18:00 local time (17:00 UK). This month’s event features Einar Ingebrigtsen discussing Command Query Responsibility Segregation
- Black Marble Events- Re-Build – Dev – Black Marble are hosting an afternoon developer focused event on Wednesday 12th October where they will be re-capping all the key announcements and information released at the //Build/ Conference. There is also an IT pro session being hosted that morning.
Thank you Chris. As usual a great job.