The Morning Brew #897
Posted by Chris Alcock on Tuesday 19th July 2011 at 07:51 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- DebugDiag 1.2 Added Full Support for x64 Systems – Ajay highlights the release of DebugDiag 1.2 which now includes support for the x64 platform along with further diagnostic scripts for working with IIS applications, COM+, SharePoint and .NET applications.
- is back on track – Simone Chiaretta gives an update on the progress / revival of the project, following the seeming death of the project 6 months ago. The community seems to have rallied round the project and given it new life, along with some forks of the project there are new releases and an updated website.
- Sysinternals Process Explorer v15… Celebrating the 15th anniversary of Sysinternals (and the release of The Windows Sysinternals Administrator’s Reference) – Greg Duncan highlights the release of the latest versions of the SysInternals tools, Process Explorer v15, Listdlls 3.1, along with a new tool FindLinks, and the celebrations of 15 years of SysInternals tools
- Free SDK from Microsoft: Facebook C# SDK – The Systems, architecture and engineering solution blog highlights the latest update to the FaceBook C# SDK from Microsoft. This project, hosted on CodePlex helps .NET devs build applications for web, Silverlight, desktop and phone which interact with FaceBook.
- Effective Tests: Avoiding Context Obscurity – Derek Greer continues his series on Effective Tests with a look at how to avoid your test context becoming obscured, and sharing and best practices to help avoid this.
- Mapping the Memory Usage of .NET Applications: Part 2, VMMap and MemoryDisplay – Sasha Goldshtein continues exploring memory use in .NET applications with a look at VMMap, a SysInternals tool which helps you peek inside and see the memory allocation and use of your processes
- Best Practice: Get your HEAD in order – Eric Lawrence discusses the correct ordering of elements within a web page’s head element, explaining how this ordering can have an effect on how your page renders, and the performance of the rendering of the page
- Why .NET LinkedList does not support Concat and Split operations? – George Mamaladze takes a look at the .NET Linked List implementation and discusses how the way it works effects the implementation of Concat and Split operations, sharing test driven implementations of these
- Tutorial: Create Custom External Services in Azure AppFabric June CTP – Alan Smith takes a look at the creation of a custom external service hosted in Azure AppFabric to proxy the Bing GeoCoding service, walking through the steps required to create your own AppFabric services
- Configuring, Deploying, and Monitoring Applications using AppFabric Application Manager – ‘adamab’ shares a look at the deployment and monitoring story for your AppFabric Applications, walking through the deployment of a sample application using the AppFabric Application Manager.
- RoutingService on Azure – Roman Kiss explores the use of the WCF4 Routing Service in a Windows Azure hosted application, looking at the differences between hosting on premise and in the cloud.
- Scala comes to .Net – The Scala Programming Language site has an interview with Miguel Garcia, who has been working on bringing Scala to the .NET platform as a part of a project funded by Microsoft. In this article he discusses the progress already made, the reasons why Scala on .NET makes sense and what the future plans are.
- Use ViewModels to manage data & organize code in ASP.NET MVC applications – Rachel Appel takes a look at the use of the ViewModel in ASP.NET MVC applications, illustrating their use in a simple example and discussing some tips and best practices.
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