
  • VsVim 1.0 Released – Jared Parsons announces the V1.0 release of VsVim, his visual studio extension which brings Vim keybindings to the Visual Studio IDE. This release brings a number of bug fixes and improvements to the synchronisation of settings between Visual Studio and the VsVim Extension. Download is available through the extension galley, and full source is available on GitHub.
  • Microsoft Media Platform Content Manager 1.0 Released – Chris Knowlton highlights the release of the Microsoft Media Platform Content Manager v1.0. This tooling provides end to end workflow for working with video delivery through IIS. The tooling provides encoding features, insertion of advertisements for live event broadcast using IIS Smooth Streaming.
  • Mercurial 1.9 Release Notes – The Mercurial Team announce their latest release, Mercurial 1.9 contains improves remote changeset discovery, fileset matching support, command mode, experimental generaldelta storage and an experimental http client library.
  • RegEx’ing in Visual Studio with the Regular Expression Tester Extension – Greg Duncan highlights a nice Visual Studio Extension for anyone who works with Regular Expressions. The Regular Expression Testing Extension brings a number of useful testing and construction features for working with and testing Regular Expressions from within the IDE.
