
  • NuGet 1.1 Released! – Phil Haack announces the release of version 1.1 of NuGet, available via the Visual Studio Extension Gallery and CodePlex. This release is mainly a bug fix release but also adds a Recently used packages tab, progress bar and output window feedback during installation of packages,F# support and an updated dependency resolution algorithm. Phil also highlights potential installation problems (and a work around) if you have VS 2010 SP1 Beta installed.
  • Sterling Object-Oriented Database 1.0 RTM – Jeremy Likness announces the V1.0 RTM release of his Sterling Object Oriented Database designed for use in Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 applications, giving a little history of its development and pointing to the release over on CodePlex
  • FsUnit Now On NuGet Gallery – Daniel Mohl highlights the release of FSUnit 0.9 on NuGet, which combined with the NuGet 1.1 release supporting F# projects makes this the easiest way of getting unit testing set up in your F# projects.



  • DDD Scotland – Vote for Sessions – The community voting for the sessions you want to see at DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper Scotland (which is on the 7th May 2011 in Glasgow) has now opened, and as is usual for these events there is an excellent range of sessions proposed – its going to be difficult to choose.
  • Free Talk: TDD with JavaScript and Jasmine, by Damjan Vujnovic at Skills Matter Limited (Tuesday February 15, 2011) – SkillsMatter welcome Damjan Vujnovic tomorrow (15th Feb) for a JavaScript Test Driven Development workshop which will explore the use of Jasmine for test driving your JavaScript applications.
  • Reflector 7 Giveaway – Dan Maharry has secured 50 Redgate Reflector 7 licenses to give away. All you have to do to enter is share your favourite use of Reflector (including illustrative screenshots) with the best being posted next month.