
  • FiddlerCore Update – Fiddler Web Debugger – Eric Lawrence annoucnes an update to the Fiddler Core project, bring the inclusion of FiddlerCore4.dll, the .NET 4 compiled version of the Core of this very useful HTTP debugger.
  • Release of Windows Server AppFabric Architecture Guide – Yasser Abdel Kader highlights the release of the Windows Server AppFabric Architecture Guide, a guide to properly architecting applications to run on AppFabric and handle enterprise level loads. This 25 page guide addresses a range of topics offering best practice advice


  • Have you met arguments.callee? – Sergio Pereira takes a look at a little know JavaScript feature which allows you to get a reference to an anonymous functions from within that function, making recursive anonymous functions possible.
  • Windows Azure Application Patterns – J.D. Meier shares 11 common patterns for web based applications running on Windows Azure in the form of component level diagrams illustrating the relationships between components.
  • The Architecture of Full Hardware Acceleration of All Web Page Content – Ted Johnson of the Internet Explorer 9 team discusses the architecture which has enabled full hardware accelleration of web pages in Internet Explorer 9.
  • Adventures in Repetitive Code & More Boilerplate Code Removal – Mike Hadlow shares a couple of nice tips for removing some of the more repeatitive bits of code taht we as developers write, making more sucinct clearer code using Lambdas and extension methods to achieve this
  • Chained null checks and the Maybe monad – Dmitri Nesteruk looks at addressing the ‘repeated null check’ problem in code using extension methods and generics to implement maybe monadic functionality in this CodeProject article
  • Find out how long your method runs – Gunnar Peipman continues looking at the techniques for measuring the time your code takes to run, looking in this post at a helper class for measuring method calls.
  • MVVM so easy a n00b can do it (Silverlight4) – Michael Crump shares a worked sample for introducing the MVVM style of development in Silverlight.
  • The Magical Input Queue Of T (aka InputQueue<T>) – Clemens Vasters explores a useful class which is a part of the WCF Samples, the InputQueue<T> which is a code version of an internal framework class which is actually very useful when working with WCF.
  • Maximizing Productivity with the Visual Studio 2010 Silverlight Designer – Dan Wahlin looks at a number of features of the Silverlight visual designer included in Visual Studio 2010 which help improve developer productivity, exploring improvements to grids, data binding and styles,
  • MVC Turbine and MVC3 – Javier G. Lozano talks about the future of ASP.NET MVC in the form of Version 3, and how the features included in this impacts his ASP.NET MVC Turbine project
