
  • Small Basic V0.9 is here! – The Small Basic team announce their 0.9 release, and also celebrate their 300,000th download. This new release of Small Basic includes a major overhaul of the compiler and runtime, along with music, shapes and control support added in this release


  • Why Do We Recycle Our Application Pools? – Davy Brion argues that we as .NET Web Developers need to spend more time focusing on Memory Management to ensure that our applications behave correctly at all times, and therefore remove the need for application hosts such as IIS to restart every 29 hours (by default)
  • Windows Phone 7 Private Distribution, Marketplace Policies Unveiled at TechEd – Bruce Kyle highlights the various details of Windows Phone Distribution and the Marketplace released at TechEd North America last week
  • Functional Alchemy: Making Silverlight synchronous – The folks over at DotNetSolutions pick up on an article linked from ‘The Brew’ last week and explore the use of the Reactive Extensions to make the Silverlight Async Event synchronous, introducing the concepts, an sample implementation, and a more generic approach.
  • Pro ASP.NET MVC 2 Framework – Congratulations to Steve Sanderson, who announces the completion of the Second Edition of his excellent ASP.NET MVC book. The Second edition is fully updated to ASP.NET MVC2 and .NET4 / Visual Studio 2010, and includes a significant amount of new content beyond the first edition.
  • SQL Server Index Types – Sharon Bjeletich gives the low-down on the various types of index provided in SQL Server 2008 R2, discussing the way the data is stored and referenced in each type, providing some useful insight to the way SQL Server works.
  • Repositories and the Save Method – K. Scott Allen discusses the difference in philosophy between having save methods on repositories and adding entities to a unit of work via a repository.
  • NHibernate tutorial #6 – Parent-Child Relationships – Bob Palmer continues his series of NHibernate Tutorial posts with a look at representing the Parent-Child relationship using NHibernate, and exploring the optimizations that can be made using the mapping files to improve the performance of this type of relationship.
  • Silverlight Splash Screen In Action – Pedro Fortes looks at the implementation of custom Silverlight loading animations, and shows a useful trick using Fiddler to allow you to simulate slow network and see your loading screen in action during development.
  • The Performance of Arrays – Chris Burrows takes a look at working with .NET array types, looks at how the performance of arrays of reference types can be suboptimal, and shows a neat trick using a value type to hold the reference which can speed up the performance of working with the array.
  • Down the Functional Rabbit Hole – Chris Eargle continues his series looking at techniques to remove the use of out parameters with a look at the functional continuation-passing solution
  • Localization with ASP.NET MVC ModelMetadata – Kazi Manzur Rashid shows off some of the extension methods in the MVCExtenions which provide functionality to help in the localization of Model Meta Data, and shows it configured via a fluent interface.


  • Effective specifications for agile projects – Gojko Adzic will be speaking in a Free Webinar on Effective Specifications for Agile Projects on the 15th July. The online event kicks off at 7pm UK / 11am PDT / 2pm EDT, and is free to attend (although registration is required)