
  • Sharp DOM – SharpDOM, a new ASP.NET MVC View Engine, providing a C#4 powered syntax for authoring your HTML for the View, making creative use of indexers, params and implicit conversions.
  • Get Moles for free on Visual Studio Gallery – Jonathan "Peli" de Halleux highlights the free availability of the Moles testing tool, available from the Visual Studio Gallery as a standalone tool.
  • DPack 3 (3.0.1) is out – Think VS2010 RTM, VS2008 versions and with great tasting filling too… – Greg Duncan highlights the release of DPack 3.0.1, an update to this Free Visual Studio Add-ons pack which brings VS2010 RTM support, along with improvements to many of the additional features it brings to the IDE.
  • CSLA 4 Beta 1 – Rockford Lhotka announces the release of CSLA 4 Beta 1 for .NET and Silverlight, with the major change in this release being is the new business, validation and authorisation rules system. Expect a few more betas in coming weeks, with a final release in 6-8 weeks time.
  • Favorite Visual Studio 2010 Extensions – Scott Dorman highlights some of his favourite Visual Studio 2010 Extensions available on the Visual Studio Gallery

