The Morning Brew #592
Posted by Chris Alcock on Tuesday 4th May 2010 at 07:19 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Sharp DOM – SharpDOM, a new ASP.NET MVC View Engine, providing a C#4 powered syntax for authoring your HTML for the View, making creative use of indexers, params and implicit conversions.
- Get Moles for free on Visual Studio Gallery – Jonathan "Peli" de Halleux highlights the free availability of the Moles testing tool, available from the Visual Studio Gallery as a standalone tool.
- DPack 3 (3.0.1) is out – Think VS2010 RTM, VS2008 versions and with great tasting filling too… – Greg Duncan highlights the release of DPack 3.0.1, an update to this Free Visual Studio Add-ons pack which brings VS2010 RTM support, along with improvements to many of the additional features it brings to the IDE.
- CSLA 4 Beta 1 – Rockford Lhotka announces the release of CSLA 4 Beta 1 for .NET and Silverlight, with the major change in this release being is the new business, validation and authorisation rules system. Expect a few more betas in coming weeks, with a final release in 6-8 weeks time.
- Favorite Visual Studio 2010 Extensions – Scott Dorman highlights some of his favourite Visual Studio 2010 Extensions available on the Visual Studio Gallery
- Say "No" to "Null" – John Sonmez shares some thoughts on the handling of null, explaining why he doesn’t check for null in code he controls the use of, and looks at patterns for null checking.
- Modelling heat transfer in F# using 100 lines of code – James Freiwirth shows the elegance of F# with this scientific simulation of heat transfer from a Coffee mug to a coaster, visualising the results the results.
- Finer Points of F# Value Restriction – Dmitry Lomov talks about the powerful type inference in F# which allows type safe programming with very few type declarations, and looks into the value restriction behaviour of F#
- Every Program There Is, Part Three – Eric Lippert continues his series on all possible C# programs with a look at creating grammar for the simple class declaration
- Did I miss any C# syntax construct? – Kirill Osenkov shares a sample piece of C#, aiming to contain all of the C# constructs available in C#4, appealing to readers to provide anything they spot is missing.
- AOP With Unity 2.0 – 3 – Daniel Lins Leite continues a series on Aspect Oriented Programming, with this part looking at using the Unitity Framework to provide AOP functionality in your code.
- 10 Advanced Windsor Tricks – 13. Use SubContainers to replace dependencies on context – Mike Hadlow continues his series of 10 Advanced Windsor tips with part 13 looking at how you can use a sub container to provide separate scoping of dependencies in multi-tenanted applications
- Dependency Injection in ASP.NET MVC: Filters – Jimmy Bogard – Los Techies : Blogs about software and anything tech! – Jimmy Bogard continues his series on dependency injection in ASP.NET MVC with a look at how you can apply it to Filters, looking at property injection to satisfy the dependencies of the attributes that Filters are built upon, and in a side post , Attribute lifecycle, Jimmy looks at the secret life of the attribute, and tests some of his assumptions
- Storing ASP.NET MVC Controllers & Views in separate assemblies – Dustin Davis explores storing controllers and views in different assemblies, finding a simple 2 line solution to allow for this illustrating with a simple CMS based example to illustrate in this DotNetSlackers article.
- Putting the Con (COM1, LPT1, NUL, etc.) Back in your URLs – Phil Haack discusses an ASP.NET 4 enhancement which allows you to use urls with Operating System reserved words (such as LTP, CON, etc), along with .config as a part of your URLs
- Tip: Replacing Html.Encode Calls With New Html Encoding Syntax – Phil also shares a search and replace regular expression to convert your Html.Encode function calls to the new ASP.NET 4 encoding short hand syntax
- ActionResult types in MVC2 – Raj Kaimal looks at the range of ActionResult types available in ASP.NET MVC 2 looking at what they do, and considering the case where actions do not declare an ActionResults type as a return value.
- The fastest way to resize images from ASP.NET. And it’s (more) supported-ish – Bertrand Le Roy looks at using the Windows Imaging Components from your ASP.NET Applications to provide image resizing functionality, without using WPF to do so, using a wrapper which sits in the GAC to perform the interop
- WSCF blue – The Road Ahead – What does the dev community want? – Santosh Benjamin canvases for developer opinion on the future direction of the WSCF (Web Services Contract First) Blue tool for WCF, sharing the current feature points they are interested in implementing, asking for feedback via votes on their Codeplex site.
- Get 15+ hours of free Visual Studio 2010 training for your team – Terry Clancy highlights some greate Visual Studio 2010 training resources available for free from looking at the Visual Studio 2010 release, the new features of the .NET 4 technologies, and the new application life cycle management features.
- Free WebCamps – North America, Asia and Europe – *Sign Up Now* – Scott Hanselman highlights the Microsoft WebCamp events taking place throughout May and June across the globe. These free events feature well known Microsoft Speakers (including Scott at some events) and will give you learning and practical exercises, focusing on the Microsoft Web Development Stack.
- European VAN on CouchDB on 26 May 2010 – The Europe Virtual ALT.NET announces its next two events, with a continuation of the NoSql discssions on 26th May with J. Chris Anderson talking about CouchDB, and the European VAN on MongoDB on 07 June 2010 which sees Michael Dirolf discussing Mongo DB
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